DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

Boys & Girls Basketball Tryouts

12/09/22, 12:12 PM

Goo afternoon Elevate Families, 

We hope parent teacher conferences are going well for everyone. With that being said this is a reminder that boys and girls official basketball tryouts will be taking place this upcoming week. Students are only allowed to tryout if they attended the winter sports meeting and filled out the sports registration form. If your scholar did not attend the meeting and is interested in still trying out for basketball they need to come see coach Thompson either during lunch or before advisory Monday or Tuesday prior to tryouts in order to get the proper documents and information needed. Any interventions earned prior to tryouts will forfeit student's opportunity to attend tryouts. Please expect your student-athlete to be on campus until about 5:10pm on the day of tryouts and we suggest you arrange proper transportation home as coaches aren't required to stay on campus with scholar's past 5:25pm after tryouts end.  Any questions or concerns feel free to teams or email me over the weekend! More information regarding tryouts can be found below:

Official Girls Basketball Tryouts:

When: Monday December 12th
Where: Elevate Gym
Time: 3:45pm-5:00pm

Official Boys Basketball Tryouts:

When: Tuesday December 13th
Where: Elevate Gym
Time: 3:45pm-5:00pm

*We only have one JV girls team and one JV boys team so we will be making cuts this year 15 players will be on each team so be ready to come and put your best effort forward at tryouts to earn your spot on the team!!!!

Thanks, Thompson

DSST: Elevate HS Physical Education | HS Athletics Director
Go Bulldogs! Go Thunderwolves!| BSBA CSU-Pueblo Alumni
aj.thompson@scienceandtech.org |