DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

Support/Resources for Families:CO Springs Violence

11/21/22, 3:27 PM

*Content note: This email could bring up feelings of emotional trauma.


Dear DSST families and students,


As you have heard, there was a tragic shooting in a LGBTQIA+ nightclub in Colorado Springs this weekend. I am deeply saddened by this tragedy and the loss of so many lives. It is unacceptable that these kinds of violent acts continue to happen, and I know that it can be extremely upsetting for students and their families. We want to be sure that we are supporting you and your family over Thanksgiving break as we deeply value the safety and wellness of our community. 


As questions arise, I hope you find the resources linked below helpful. If it’s appropriate for your family, consider encouraging your student(s) to express what they are feeling and to ask questions. This may be an opportunity to discuss your family’s emergency disaster plan, or create one. Having a plan can give both children and adults a sense of comfort and control. While you spend time to reassure and answer questions, returning to normal activities and schedules can be helpful too.


On-Campus Support for Students

  • Monday, November 28, school mental health providers will be available for students who would like to further process and/or who are struggling to cope with the news. 
  • If you are worried about your student, please reach out to their advisor and their advisor can refer them to the mental health team as well. 

Trauma Support & Difficult Conversations

The Role for Caring Adults after a School or Community Tragedy

School Shooting Resources

How to talk to kids about school shootings

Gun Violence and Mass Shootings: Table Talk

Trevor Project Resources specifically for LGBTQIA+ young people


This certainly is not the message I expected or hoped to send on the first day of Thanksgiving break. Our teachers, students and community have shown incredible resilience over the last two years, and I know we will be able to come together as a community to finish the year strong and to send our support to those affected by this tragic event. Please know we are here to support you and your student in any way we can. 


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your school staff for support for you or your student. As always, I am grateful to be part of this community and grateful for each of you.


In solidarity,


Briana Mesa and Travonda Favorite