DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

Incident at Dismissal

09/28/22, 5:03 PM

Good afternoon Bulldogs,

Today at middle school dismissal there was an incident between one of our middle school staff members and another individual, who is not part of our DSST Elevate community. Our staff member was outside on 47th Avenue supporting traffic and ensuring that students are able to safely cross the street. He asked the individual to slow down as the individual was traveling at a high rate of speed. The individual did not respond in a way that aligns with our core values and began to pursue our staff member. Our staff member handled himself very well and was working to remove himself from the situation and also ensure that students were safe. The individual was persistent and got out of his vehicle and approached our staff member. Our staff member continued to try and diffuse the situation. Other staff members responded and the individual left our campus. We called both DPS Safety and Security and the Denver Police Department to file a report.

The incident happened at middle school dismissal and there were many students around who witnessed the incident. Some students did record the incident on their cell phones or other devices. In order to protect the privacy of our staff members and the integrity of our school, we would ask that you work with your student to remove the video from any social media accounts and delete the video from their devices.

This incident helps underscore the importance of ensuring that our drop-off and pick-up are safe. Please help us ensure that those are safe by abiding by all posted signage, specifically speed and school zones. Please remind your students to use the sidewalks and to be mindful of their surroundings. We ask that you continue to exercise caution during high-traffic volume times.

If you or your student have any specific information that might help us keep our school, students, and staff safe, please reach out to me directly and/or contact Safe2Tell at 1-877-542-7233.


In Partnership,

Briana Mesa

School Director

DSST Elevate NE MS