DSST: College View Middle School

December 4 MS Newsletter

12/04/23, 4:42 PM

College View Middle School

Middle School Newsletter

Monday, December 4, 2023


Front Office

Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines

CVMS Student Fees:

  • The school fees are as follows:

    • Standard Rate: $275

    • Reduced Rate: $110

  • We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Payments can be made in person at the school office, over the phone, or online through our website NOT through the parent portal. 

Click the form that is attached to this newsletter for a more detailed explanation of student fees. Please do not hesitate to contact the front office if you have any questions or concerns.

2nd Lunch Fee:

  •  Students who request a second lunch from the cafeteria will be charged a $5 fee. This fee can only be paid at the Front Office. Please contact the front office if you have any questions or concerns about this specific fee.

  • The first lunch is free for all students

Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager


Handicap Parking:

  • It has come to our attention that the handicap parking spots have been blocked on a regular basis. We ask that you please be considerate by making sure to leave access for those with disabilities throughout the day, including during dismissal, and make sure that these spots are available for those families they are intended for. Please contact the School Director with any additional concerns.


Middle School Elementary Night on December 6th game:

  • If you, or anyone you know, has a 5th grader and is considering joining the Wolfpack, please come to the Middle School Girls Basketball game on Wednesday! We will have activities for 5th graders as well as tours of the school for prospective students and their families! 

  • Free Admission! Free ticket for one item at concessions! Game starts at 4:30pm




    1. You can sponsor an entire family, or just a single student. Access the 23 Toy Drive Sponsor Hub

    2. We are still waiting for a few families to fill out the gift recipient survey, but we already have PLENTY of students and families in our community signed up for this year’s Toy Drive. We have 42 families consisting of 136 kiddos so far, and their wish lists are in. I encourage everyone to sign up to sponsor just one kid

    3. I usually recommend spending about $25/$30 per student 

    4. If you would like to see the identities of these families/ students to sponsor someone specific, please reach out to me and I’ll give you access to the Master List- only will be shared upon request

  2. DONATE:

    1. Any families that don’t get picked up as sponsors in our Toy Drive, I buy their presents. The money that’s used for this is all pulled from these donation pages. So if you don’t have the capacity to sponsor a child, please donate!

      1. Middle School Giving Page 

      2. High School Giving Page 

    2. Also, if you absolutely have to, I can take cash/checks, but no Venmo/PayPal/CashApp/etc. 


    1. On Tuesday, December 12th, we will be having our annual wrapping party! We’re trying to do this big this year, and we promise to have some holiday treats for all volunteers. So before you head out to the network party, please stop by and wrap a present. 


Open Houses for families interested in attending CVMS next year! - November 6, 5:30-6:30pm

  • If you know of any friends, family or neighbors who are interested in sending their student to CVMS next school year, please invite them to one of our Open Houses! 

  • If you’re interested in helping with our Open Houses, we are looking for volunteers to help with various tasks. Contact the Front Office or Rose.Martinez@scienceandtech.org if you are interested in volunteering


Firearm Safe Surrender Event in Southwest Denver - Saturday, December 9 from 10am to noon

Do you have a firearm you don't want? Turn your gun into a garden tool! Bring your unwanted, unloaded firearms to be anonymously dismantled on Saturday, December 9th from 10am until noon at Westwood Community Center (1000 South Lowell Boulevard, Denver). No appointment needed! 

As a thank you for your choice to dismantle your firearm(s), you will receive a grocery store gift card, while supplies last.
$50 for your long gun/ shotgun
$150 for your handgun or semi-automatic
$250 for your assault/ tactical gun

Learn more at www.gunstogardensdenver.org


December MLE-DAC - Wednesday, December 13th from 9-11am
Location: Montbello Recreation Center
This month's MLE-DAC will be a resource fair with teh College & Career Success team! There will be a drawing for those who attend, breakfast, interpreatation and chilcare all provided for FREE.
Please take these flyers and spread the word to your families this week!

Wolfpack Athletic Updates

Girls Basketball: (Coached by Lusa)

  • Our Girls BBall season is in full swing! Check out our Girls Basketball hub in the shared drive for our game schedule!

  • Our final home game is on the following date:

    • Wednesday, 12/6 (A Team @ 4:30/ B Team @ 6:30)

Boys Basketball sign-ups are OPEN!! 


Community Engagement Updates

CVF* - Family Engagement Council - December 7, 8:45-9:45am

*(College View Families)

Do you have suggestions for campus improvements? Do you like to help plan and create fun events? Do you want a seat at the table for important decisions that are being made for our school? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join our Family Engagement Council! We will meet on the First Thursday of each month in the High School Conference Room! 

Our elected officers are: 

President: Angie H. - mother of 10th grade student

Vice President: Maria M.- mother of 7th and 10th grade students

Co-Secretaries: Maria A. (English) - mother of 11th grade student and Guadalupe H. - mother of 10th grade student, 12th grade student and one CV Alum

Treasurer: Delfina S. - mother of 10th grade student and 2 CV Alumni

Event Chair: Jeorgina D. - mother of 7th and 11th students and 2 CV Alumni

Elementary Ambassadors: Maria M., Maria A., Jeorgina D., Nancy N., (3 openings)


Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, December 12

All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors. This week, we will be writing messages of gratitude for our staff to start off the school year on a positive note!

  • High School 8:30-9:00 am - Mr. Erik Jacobson

  • Middle School 9:00-9:30 am - Mr. Graham Wynings

Coffee and light snacks provided!


Toy Drive Wrapping Party - Tuesday, September 12

Please join us to wrap presents for the 150+ kids in the Toy drive this year! We will be in the Middle School commons from 3-5pm. We will have the wrapping paper and supplies, all we need are some extra hands! 


What to do this winter in the Community? 

Check out these great opportunity through Denver Parks & Rec! (attached to this newsletter) 


Please mark your calendars and join us at Chipotle (333 W Hampden Ave. STE 110, Englewood CO, 80110) on December 4th, 2023 from 4-8 PM  our travel club will have a fundraiser to help pay for our trip to Italy this summer and  J 33% of event sales will get donated to us. 


The King Soopers Community Rewards program is an easy way to donate money to your school by shopping at King Soopers! Sign up on the King Soopers website is fast and free! Just connect your Sooper Card to the program using our organization ID (EH570) and buy your regular grocery list. The school will receive 5% back. The money will be used as an established scholarship fund for students in the high school to travel out of Colorado before they graduate. Please take 5 minutes to sign up and start donating to a great cause!


Connect with us!




College View Middle School

https://www.dsstpublicschools.org | Download the ReachWell App

Attachment: 17017332280207_CVMS_Student_Fees_QA_23-24_1_1.pdf

Attachment: 17017332280380_LSR_flyer.pdf

Attachment: 17017332280505_HarveyPark-Activity_Guide_2022-2023.pdf