McMeen Elementary

McMeen Elementary Newsletter - October 20, 2023

10/20/23, 4:03 PM

Weekly Happenings

Monday, October 23


Tuesday, October 24


Wednesday, October 25

9:00-11:00am - Multilingual Learner District Advisory Committee Meeting at Kepner Beacon Middle School. See these fliers for more information and register here.

4:00-5:00pm - Dual Language Family Meeting

Thursday, October 26


Friday, October 27

Awards Assembly - time dependent on your child's class. Learn more here

Upcoming Events

Here is the McMeen Calendar for the 2023-2024 School Year

You can subscribe to the McMeen Google Calendar so all events are automatically added to your calendar!



October 30 - McMeen Eats at Esters

October 31 - Vocabulary Parade



November 6-December 10 - Read-A-Thon

November 9 - Literacy Night & Read-A-Thon Kickoff

November 10 - No School (McMeen Planning Day)

November 13 - Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting

November 17 - Family Gratitude Lunch

November 20-24 - Fall Break

November 29 - Dual Language Family Meet and Greet

Winter Enrichments
You can now check-out our Winter Enrichment Brochure. Registration opens October 26th and closes November 9th.
Parent Communication Technologies Initiative
Denver Public Schools is pleased to launch the Strengthening Our PaCT (Parent Communication Technologies) Initiative to improve the web-based communication tools used by Denver Public Schools. Learn more and get involved here.
Volleyball for 4th and 5th Graders
We are excited to announce that sign ups for Volleyball are now open! Please sign up here.
Awards Assemblies
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting our monthly awards assembly next Friday, October 27th in the auditorium of the school to celebrate the accomplishments and growth of our students. Due to limited space, we will need to limit the number of community members who join our award assemblies.  When your student will be receiving an award, you will receive a special invitation to attend the assembly. Please refer to that for your child’s specific award’s time. You can learn more about our awards assemblies plan here.


We are very excited that McMeen Elementary has two full-time therapists this year- Nicole Gonzalez Smith, LSW and Abby Schilly, MSW. Read on to learn more!

What is therapy? Therapy provides kids with a safe space to express their emotions. You may be familiar with talk therapy for adults. With children, therapy involves much more play, art, games, and maybe even some acting! We work with kids and families to develop specific goals to work towards. Goals may be related to learning healthy ways to express emotions, practicing strategies to calm down, building social skills, or processing a life change like a move or the loss of a loved one.

When do children meet with the therapists? We work with your child's teacher to find a time to pull them from class when they will miss the least amount of learning. We see most children for 45 minutes once a week.

Will I be involved? You are the most important person in your child's life. We always hope to collaborate with caregivers as much as possible but we also know you all lead busy lives so we do our best to work with your schedule and make it as easy for you as we can. We meet with caregivers before meeting with kids to get your permission for therapy, learn more about your child, and craft goals you'd like them to work on. As time goes on, we'll reach out with updates and can set up additional appointments to provide extra support when needed. We want to support your family and show your child we're all on the same team to help them!

If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to your child's teacher or email us at or We may not have space for all students who are interested but we do our best to connect folks to other resources when we are not available.

Community Resources
Below are some great community resources and opportunities that have been passed along to us. Click on the title of each to learn more or here to see all resources on our website.

Community Food Cabinet

We need someone to take over monitoring the community food cabinet located at the front of the school. This would entail checking the cabinet from time to time to ensure any spoiled food is removed. If you are interested, please email Lauren Bartsch at


Join our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

PTO is always looking for more members and involvement from families. Reach out to them at to learn more. 

Next Meeting - Monday, November 13th at 6pm via ZOOM

Sign up for the PTO Newsletter and Updates by clicking on groups at the bottom of the ReachWell app and selecting PTO. Doing so will let you receive the information in your preferred language.


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