DSST: College View High School

Important Updates: CVHS SD Search + Leave Coverage

11/09/22, 4:02 PM

Happy Wednesday, CVHS Families and Students,

I am reaching out today to share some important updates on the leadership of College View high school and our search for a new School Director for the 2023-24 school year. 

First, a note on Bill Knous’s role for this school year: last Spring, Bill announced his decision to make the 2022-23 school year his last as the CVHS School Director. In sharing this, he also articulated his commitment to serve the College View HS community in whatever capacity was asked of him. This commitment is incredibly gracious and Bill has not wavered on his promise to lead College View HS this year. As we continue our search for the next School Director for College View HS, we wanted to confirm that Bill Knous will be serving as the School Director at College View for the remainder of the 2022-23 school year. 

In the meantime, we will continue to recruit and build a pipeline of mission-aligned school leaders to support our search for the next College View HS School Director. We are using the Leader Profile generated by the CVHS community last spring to screen candidates, and look forward to introducing high-potential finalist(s) to the College View HS community to engage in a series of interviews as part of the SD hiring process:

Hiring Process Step


Candidate interview with the CVHS Leadership Team

The CVHS LT will interview finalist(s) in a presentation-style format, followed by Q+A, and will be asked to provide feedback on finalist(s) in service of generating an ultimate hiring recommendation.

Candidate interviews with CVHS staff team

All CVHS staff are invited to participate in small group interviews with finalist(s), and to provide feedback on finalist(s) in service of generating an ultimate hiring recommendation. 

Candidate interview with CVHS families

All CVHS families are invited to interview finalist(s) in a presentation-style format, followed by Q+A, and will be asked to provide feedback on finalist(s) in service of generating an ultimate hiring recommendation.

Candidate interview with CVHS students

Members of the CVHS Student Council (and other student leaders) are invited to interview finalist(s) in a presentation-style format, followed by Q+A, and will be asked to provide feedback on finalist(s) in service of generating an ultimate hiring recommendation.

Finally, we are acutely aware of the need for increased leadership capacity as members of the leadership team prepare to welcome new additions to their families this year. We are excited to announce that Nate Reaven will be temporarily joining the College View HS Leadership Team for six weeks starting on November 28. If you don’t know Nate, he joined DSST in 2011 as a middle school English teacher and has been serving in leadership roles at DSST since 2017. He is currently serving as the School Director in Training (SDIT) at DSST: Conservatory Green High School where he has worked for the last six years. We are so excited to welcome Nate to the College View HS team as the leader of all things school culture, and are grateful for his desire to serve and learn from the College View HS community as part of his SDIT experience. 

As we look forward, we remain grateful for your commitment and trust during the search for your next School Director, knowing that together we can set College View HS up for long-term success. And, we are incredibly thankful for Bill as he leads the team this year. Thank you, in advance, for your engagement throughout this process.

If you have any questions, please  do not hesitate to reach out to me directly or to Becca Bloch (rebecca.bloch@scienceandtech.org), who is serving as your Managing Director during Jenna Kalin’s maternity leave.  

My best,

Bill Kurtz

Chief Executive Officer

Attachment: 16680222447242_CV_HS_School_Director_Profile.pdf