KIPP Denver Collegiate High School

MANDATORY Action Item - Please view & fill out form ASAP!

11/29/23, 10:36 AM

Hi KDC families!

Every year, schools that qualify as Title 1 schools, are required to inform families about Title 1 and the educational rights afforded to families through this designation. Please view the explanatory video or PDF presentation below and enter your name indicating you have watched it. If you have any questions or concerns, we will follow up promptly.

  • o translate to language of choice, right click on the screen and select "translate to..."
  • Para traducir al idioma que desee, haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en la pantalla y seleccione "traducir a..."
  • Pour traduire dans la langue de votre choix, cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur l'écran et sélectionnez "traduire en...".
  • İstediğiniz dile çevirmek için ekrana sağ tıklayın ve "translate to..." seçeneğini seçin.


Click here & Fill out Form!