DSST: College View Middle School

April 8th CVMS Family Newsletter

04/08/24, 4:52 PM

College View Middle School

CVMS Family Newsletter

Monday, April 8, 2024

Front Office

Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines


CMAS: April 9th-19th 

  • Tomorrow, April 9th, Colorado students will take end-of-year assessments called CMAS or Colorado Measures of Academic Success.

  • Please support your student by ensuring they get a good night sleep and are present and on time on these days

  • Please review this letter for more information: CMAS Parent Letter -2024.docx 

Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager


Parenting Workshop will begin Tuesday, April 16!

  • Every Tuesday for 6 weeks (April 16 - May 21)

  • 5:30-7:00 pm 

  • Registration: https://forms.gle/YQZosPZtqBFEymt57 

  • Learn how to help your teen through difficult and important life decisions from licensed family therapists. Bring your students with you! There will be separate breakout groups for parents and students, but the topics will be the same. Childcare will be provided if requested on weekly registration.

  • All sessions are in Spanish. Interpreters will be provided if requested on weekly registration.

    • Choices and Consequences

    • Cultural Differences

    • Substance Abuse

    • Bullying

    • Suicide Prevention

    • Mental & Physical Development

Volunteers Needed - Sunday, April 21 - Earth Day / Fundraiser

  • Car Show - sign up here: https://bit.ly/cleanupDSSTCV

    • We will need help setting up, during the event, and to clean up after. Lunch will be provided for all volunteers that register by April 18! 

  • Community Clean Up - sign up here: https://bit.ly/cleanupDSSTCV 

    • We are looking for all types of volunteers! Volunteers to lead other volunteers, people to help with all aspects of the event - including: trash pick up, washing windows/building with power washer, grounds maintenance, preparing the garden for planting, etc. Lunch will be provided for all volunteers that register by April 18! 

  • You can choose to volunteer at just one or the other, or even for just part of the time! Thank you for helping make this event a success!


Family Business Expo - “A Taste of College View” – Wednesday, May 1st from 1:30-4:00pm

You are cordially invited to participate in our 2nd Annual “A Taste of College View”

  • What: A Taste of College View - Family Business Expo!!

  • Who: Any families of current or past CV Families that own a small business

  • Cost: None! There is no fee to register or host a table

  • When: Wednesday, May 1st from 1:30-4pm!

  • Why: This is your opportunity to get your business in front of CV staff, students, and families.

  • How: Each business will have a table where you can promote your business. You'll be able to give out free samples, give you coupons, sell products, or whatever makes sense to grow your business! We already have a welding and landscaping company signed up, and we will surely have families selling food and other goods as well.

  • Where: DSST College View High School Commons

  • Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSczINUjr8L1I8rgHDwu6Y0ylUWtvoRel0REGM0ZG1etAy88Zw/viewform


Student STEM activity - April 20 



RTD project on Federal Blvd needs your input 

(from Councilman Kevin Flynn’s Newsletter)

  • The Colorado Department of Transportation has started an environmental study and design work on building a Bus Rapid Transit route that will span almost 18 miles of Federal Boulevard.

  • Federal Boulevard is one of the Regional Transportation District's highest ridership bus routes. Currently, buses on the corridor experience significant delays, resulting in long travel times. BRT will reduce travel times and improve reliability.

  • The project team wants your input. They are hosting an open house in Council District 2.

  • Federal BRT open house

Monday, April 8

3-5:30 p.m.

Hadley Branch Library

1890 S. Grove St.


Future Fest - Saturday, April 13, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Civic Center Park

(from Councilman Kevin Flynn’s Newsletter)

  • Attention Denver youth of all ages! Denver Future Fest is your opportunity to network, meet representatives from community organizations, and explore a variety of career paths.

  • This free event for Denver area youth and their families brings dozens of incredible resources to one place to give young people access to new skills, opportunities and ideas. Professionals from dozens of backgrounds and careers will help kids connect their passions to future interests and even careers right here in their hometown.

  • This event is coordinated by the City of Denver's Office of Human Resources. For information or questions about participation or attendance, email futurefestinfo@denvergov.org

Wolfpack Athletic Updates

  • Flag Football:

    • Upcoming Games 


  • Refer to the picture above for our game schedule for the next 2 weeks. 

    • We will need parent  volunteers to help drive students to the games. 

    • Please reach out to Coach Wallner if you are able to help. Kelly.Wallner@scienceandtech.org


  • Girls Soccer

    • First game of the season is Monday, April 15th at DSST Cole followed by our second game on Wednesday April 17th. 

    • Both games are away and will require parent volunteers to help drive students to the game. Please reach out to Coach Passenant if you can help! Craig.Passenant@scienceandtech.org

Community Engagement Updates

DPS Black Family Newsletter

Click here to read


Conversation Groups - English/Spanish - Monday, April 8 – 4:45-5:30 pm

  • Every Monday through May!

  • Conversation Groups are designed for teachers, staff, and family members of CV students who are specifically looking to improve their Spanish or English conversation skills! 


SW ED Council - Friday, April 12 

Join other DSST Families at this regional meeting. This month, School Board Director Kimberlee Sia will be at the meeting to meet families, hear concerns, and answer questions. This month, the meeting will be at Grant Beacon Middle School, 1751 S Washington St, Denver, CO 80210 (only 12 minutes from our school! - near S Broadway and Mexico)


Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, April 16

All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors. This week, we will be writing messages of gratitude for our staff to start off the school year on a positive note!

  • CVHS 8:30-9:00 am - Mr. Erik Jacobson

  • CVMS 9:00-9:30 am - Mr. Graham Wynings

Coffee and light snacks provided!


MLE DAC - Wednesday, April 17, 9-11am

Location:  New Hope Baptist Event Center

All families whose students speak a language other than English at home are invited to attend the monthly MLE DAC meeting. (Multilingual Education District-wide Advisory Committee) This month will feature Mental Health teams and will provide more information about the services provided to students along with external resources to support mental health. 

You can find the flier in the top DPS languages HERE


Family Working Group - Thursday, April 18, 8:30-10:00 am

Every month, a group of parents from both CVMS and CVHS get together to help improve our campus for our students and families to have a better experience at DSST: College View. 


Wolfstock - Friday, April 26, 4-7pm

Wolfstock is a student art, projects, and fun for everyone! Students from both CVHS and CVMS display their art work, sell products from Entrepreneurship classes, showcase their internship and senior projects, and so much more! We will have face painting, games, snacks, tye-dye, live music & dancing, and more! See you there!


DSST STEM & Creative Core Showcase

You are invited to join us for the 2nd annual DSST STEM and Creative Core Showcase! This event will highlight the work of our students from all 16 DSST schools. DSST will have exclusive access to CSU Spur during the event, with access to attractions including a horse training facility, an animal surgery center, activities for children, and more! Details can be found below and at this link. We hope to see you there!

When: Saturday, April 27, 2024, from 10 am-1 pm

Where: CSU Spur (4817 National Western Drive, Denver, CO 80216)

Who: DSST Students, Families, and Industry Partners

Advocacy Updates

DPS will redraw district Boundaries - learn more & give your input!

The DPS Board of Education is set to vote to select a map at their April 18th Regular Meeting, and there are a few opportunities this week to share your feedback on Scenarios A, B, and C:



· DPS will host a community meeting on Wednesday, April 10 from 6:00 - 7:00 PM. A Zoom link for this meeting will be posted on the DPS Board of Education website and the homepage of the DPS website on the day of the event. 


· Before the meeting, Denver Families is offering an informal virtual huddle on Wednesday, April 10 from 5:30 - 6:00 PM. Join us if you'd like to learn more about redistricting, have a smaller space to ask questions/discuss your thoughts, and feel that much more prepared for the community meeting. RSVP here if you'd like to attend.


· In addition to the virtual meetings, DPS is providing a survey to solicit information from the community about preferred map scenarios. Please complete this survey by the end of the day on Friday, April 12.


Wish Week is coming up! This year is will be April 29 - May 3! Look out for more information on different events we will be hosting! We are fundraising for Make-A-Wish Colorado so kids like Ke’Zon can experience the life-changing power of a wish. As Ke’Zon waits for his wish, we want to celebrate him and his family while raising funds for Make-A-Wish Colorado so more kids can have their wish granted too!


Mark your calendars! 

Sunday April 21 - Earth Day Celebration!

Car Show Fundraiser - April 21, 10am-12pm

The CVHS Community Service Club will be hosting our 3rd annual Car Show! Please help us spread the word to your families and friends that belong to car clubs or have a car, truck, or motorcycle they may want to enter. More information can be found on the Registration link: bit.ly/Apr21Cars


Earth Day Community Clean up - April 21, 1-4pm

We hope you’ll join us in our Celebration of Earth Day by signing up to help with our Community Clean Up day! See details on below flyer. Sign up here: FILL OUT THIS FORM

This will be fun and show our Wolfpack Pride to the neighborhood! We will be inviting the surrounding apartments to help with the clean up as well!

Connect with us!




College View Middle School

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