March 11 CVMS Newsletter
03/11/24, 2:15 PM
College View Middle School
Family Newsletter
Monday, March 11, 2024
Front Office
Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines
Arrival Doors:
- Due to staffing changes, we need to simplify our arrival procedure. Therefore, all students will enter through the front doors. Dismissal however, will remain the same.
- Beginning Tuesday March 12
Spring Break! 3/25-3/29
Spring break for DPS is from 3/25 to 3/29. CVMS will be closed on these dates.
No School: 4/1 Cesar Chavez Holiday
No school on 4/1 in celebration of Cesar Chavez day. Students will return to school on Tuesday, April 2nd
CMAS: April 8th-19th
In April, Colorado students will take end-of-year assessments called CMAS or Colorado Measures of Academic Success.
Please review this letter for more information: CMAS Parent Letter -2024.docx
Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager
Shoe & Clothing Drive! March 4-19
The "Community Service Club" at CVHS is hosting a Shoe and Clothing drive. This is a competition between CVMS and CVHS to see who can bring in the most donations! Please see the flyers below with more information on what can and cannot be accepted as donation.
All donations will be brought to the Urban Peak Youth to support homeless teens.
For more information visit:
Family Workshops
Thank you to all families that completed the Survey about Family Workshops that we sent out before conferences.
We are happy to announce that we will be offering the following workshops and groups for families to get involved in!
Look out for more information coming soon!
Conversation groups STARTING MONDAY, March 11. Look in the Community Engagement section below for more information
Walking/Exercise group will start after Spring Break
Parenting Classes
“Los Dos Somos Uno = We Are Both the Same” – Bring your teen to these classes that are designed to support parents and teens to talk about important issues such as Choices, Consequences, Prevention of substance use, Bullying, and much more.
More to come!
DSST STEM & Creative Core Showcase
You are invited to join us for the 2nd annual DSST STEM and Creative Core Showcase! This event will highlight the work of our students from all 16 DSST schools. DSST will have exclusive access to CSU Spur during the event, with access to attractions including a horse training facility, an animal surgery center, activities for children, and more! Details can be found below and at this link. We hope to see you there!
When: Saturday, April 27, 2024, from 10 am-1 pm
Where: CSU Spur (4817 National Western Drive, Denver, CO 80216)
Who: DSST Students, Families, and Industry Partners
Music Club! Keyboards and Wind Instruments!
Free Keyboard Classes - Wednesdays 1:45-2:45
Grades 6-12
Meets weekly
A professional instructor from New Cottage Arts
Will have a recital in April or May – More to come!
NEW* Singing and Choir starting on the DSST: College View Campus!
Grades 6-12
Will meet weekly on Tuesdays from 8:00-8:45
This is the time all clubs meet at CVMS
CVHS students will arrive early and be excused from the Advisory
Sign Up here:
Contact, if your student is interested,
Thank you to Denver Arts & Venues for a generous grant that has helped make the classes free & possible for our students!
Loretto Heights Theatre Construction Updates
Denver Arts & Venues is now the owner of the Theatre next to our cafeteria and building.
As of Monday, March 11, they will begin construction on the theatre, specifically asbestos abatement.
On Wednesdays, they will begin delivery of supplies during the window of 2:30-4:00pm
We are very grateful for the construction companies to respect our request to only make deliveries on our early release day so that they do not impact our regular drop off and pick up traffic
Due to past vandalism that was very costly, Westside Investments will continue to have 24 hour security on the construction site. Please know this is a preventative measure and not directly related to our school or our families.
We are committed to continue to give you updates about the construction as we receive them!
Wolfpack Athletic Updates
This spring we have THREE different options for your student to participate in!
Boys Volleyball
Tryouts will be Tuesday, March 12th from 7:15am-8:40am in the gym
Flag Football (co-ed)
Tryouts will be Monday, March 11th from 7:15am-8:40am on the turf field
Girls Soccer
Tryouts will be Tuesday, March 12th from 7:15am-8:40am on the turf field
Registration for all sports is still open! Families can sign up students using one of the links below, and the season will start the week of March 11th. (Practices will be everyday from 7:15-8:35)
Please remember that for all sports, students must have a completed registration form, a current physical on file with the school & pay the CVMS Athletics Fee ($20)
If your student has already registered for a team sport this school year, you do not need to register them again
For fee payment, we take cash or check, OR you can pay with your MySpark card by coming into our Front Office!
Join a Club!
Community Engagement Updates
Conversation Groups - Monday, March 11, 4:45-5:30pm
Conversation Groups are designed for teachers, staff, and family members of CV students who are specifically looking to improve their Spanish or English conversation skills!
How will this work?
One week, we will have a conversation only in Spanish, with a mix of native Spanish-speakers and those that want to improve their Spanish! You will be given conversation prompts, vocabulary lists, and a welcoming environment set up for practice and learning.
Week 2 will be a conversation only in English, with a mix of native English-speakers and those that want to improve their English!
Repeat every Monday until the end of the school year!
It’s going to be super fun and informal. We will also provide snacks for each of our meetings!
If interested, please send a text or email to or (720)263-1377
Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, March 12
All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors. This week, we will be writing messages of gratitude for our staff to start off the school year on a positive note!
High School 8:30-9:00 am - Mr. Erik Jacobson
Middle School 9:00-9:30 am - Mr. Graham Wynings
Coffee and light snacks provided!
Upcoming at FACE University - Tuesday, March 12, 5-6 pm
Social Media Safety
Join us for a detailed overview of social media safety, discussion, and Q&A as we launch our Social Media Training module for families! RSVP HERE (please link)
Family Working Group - Thursday, March 21 - 8:30-10:00 am
Every month, a group of parents from both CVMS and CVHS get together to help improve our campus for our students and families to have a better experience at DSST: College View.
This month, our Family working group will focus on planning for a few upcoming events:
Teacher Appreciation week
Car Show
Community Clean up
“A Taste of College View” - Family business expo
Fundraising to support these efforts!
Please join us to contribute your ideas and to be part of the initial planning of these events!
Questions: or (720)263-1377 (text or call)
Southwest Education Council - March 22 - 9-11am
Location: Grant Beacon Middle School, 1751 S Washington St, Denver, CO 80210
Join Southwest families from various schools to see what our schools have in common and what needs improvement. Our group holds the school board directors accountable for representing students in Southwest Denver and advocating for equitable education. In March, we will be hearing about the newly released “La Raza Report” and preparing for a visit with school board director Kimberlee Sia who will join us in April.
Transportation will be provided to families from DSST: CV to Grant Beacon. Please reach out to or text/call (720)263-1377
Free After School Meals from Tasty Food!
Denver invites youth, ages 5 - 18, to enjoy FREE breakfast, lunch, supper and/or a nutritious snack. Tasty Food meals include up to five food groups that are low in fat and prepared fresh. No ID or registration required, just show up and eat. Bring some friends for some fun!
Find your nearest site and stay updated HERE.
Wish Week is coming up at the end of April! Look out for more information on different event we will be hosting to raise money for Make-A-Wish Colorado! Help us grant wishes for kids like Ke’Zon!” “We are fundraising for Make-A-Wish Colorado so kids like Ke’Zon can experience the life-changing power of a wish” “As Ke’Zon waits for his wish, we want to celebrate him and his family while raising funds for Make-A-Wish Colorado so more kids can have their wish granted too!
Mark your calendars! Sunday April 21 - Earth Day Celebration!
Car Show Fundraiser - April 21, 10am-12pm
The CVHS Community Service Club will be hosting our 3rd annual Car Show! Please help us spread the word to your families and friends that belong to car clubs or have a car, truck, or motorcycle they may want to enter. More information can be found on the Registration link:
Student Created Flyer coming soon!
Earth Day Community Clean up - April 21, 1-4pm
We hope you’ll join us in our Celebration of Earth Day by signing up to help with our Community Clean Up day! See details on below flyer. Sign up here: FILL OUT THIS FORM
This will be fun and show our Wolfpack Pride to the neighborhood! We will be inviting the surrounding apartments to help with the clean up as well!
Wolves in Action
Our ELD students got to visit the Art Museum last week with Ms. Sutton, Ms. Preciado and Ms.Russman. They represented our school well and had a great time!
Connect with us!
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