DSST: College View Middle School

CVMS Family Newsletter Feb 28

02/28/24, 2:41 PM

College View Middle School

Middle School Newsletter

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Front Office

Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines

CMAS: April 8th-19th 

  • In April, Colorado students will take end-of-year assessments called CMAS or Colorado Measures of Academic Success.

  • Please review this letter for more information: CMAS Parent Letter -2024.docx


School Fees: 

CVMS Student Fees:

  • The school fees are as follows:

    • Standard Rate: $275

    • Reduced Rate: $110

      • Please connect with the Front Office if you qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch to apply the reduced rate. 

  • We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Payments can be made in person at the school office, over the phone, or online through our website NOT through the parent portal. 

Click the form that is attached to this newsletter for a more detailed explanation of student fees.  Please do not hesitate to contact the front office if you have any questions or concerns.

2nd Lunch Fee:

  •  Students who request a second lunch from the cafeteria will be charged a $5 fee. This fee can only be paid at the Front Office. Please contact the front office if you have any questions or concerns about this specific fee.

  • The first lunch is free for all students

Tech Fee: 

  • DSST Public Schools feels incredibly fortunate to provide students with 100% access to personal laptops that support their learning both on and off campus. When laptops are damaged, DSST relies on the students to cover the cost for repair. The only time a fee is charged is when the computer has clearly been damaged or lost by the student.

  • Descriptions of the charges are as listed:

    • $25 - Keyboard Damage fee (Missing keys)

    • $50 - Screen Damage (Specifically cracked or shattered screens)

    • $50 - Advanced Damage (Cracks in case, graffiti, Damage outside of scratches and general wear and tear, Broken Hinges breaking free from palmrest are excluded)

    • $500 - Lost computer (The only exclusion is for a report of theft accompanied by a police report)

  • For any other questions tech related please reach out to our Technical Support Coordinator at Richard.Hoeft@scienceandtech.org 


Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager



Music Club! Keyboards and Wind Instruments!

Free Keyboard Classes - Wednesdays 1:45-2:45

Grades 6-12

Meets weekly

Professional instructor from New Cottage Arts

Will have recital in April or May – More to come!


NEW* Singing and Choir starting on the DSST: College View Campus! 

Grades 6-12

Will meet weekly on Tuesdays from 8:00-8:45

  • This is the time all clubs meet at CVMS

  • CVHS students will arrive early and be excused from Advisory

Sign Up here: https://forms.gle/DQFZnpMB2qeBU3AY7

Contact Rose.Martinez@scienceandtech.org if your student is interested


Thank you to Denver Arts & Venues for a generous grant that has helped 

make the classes free & possible for our students!


CSU Mechanical Engineering Summer Programs 2024

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University is offering three exciting summer programs this year, in 2024. The programs are for middle and high school students interested in exploring the various aspects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and designed and organized (newly updated for 2024!) by CSU's Mechanical Engineering faculty and student mentors. These educational programs promise to provide a perfect balance of hands-on learning and socializing opportunities and will take place at CSU's advanced engineering and CSU Spur facilities.

  • The program registration is open now!

  • Please find the flyers attached flyers for our Summer Programs 2024. 

  • Kindly visit our website for the registration link and more details about the programs offered.

*See Attached Flyers


Pinton Fellowship: Youth Cohort

FREE (Fellowship) The Youth Cohort is a summer fellowship open to change makers ages 14-20 who are interested in joining a powerful network of community members as they learn and progress on their leadership journeys. Fellows will deeply engage in individual and collective work that centers personal and professional development, racial equity, expanded social capital, knowledge and understanding of key issues faced by communities throughout metro Denver. 

  • Application Closes: Friday, March 1st

  • One on One Interview: Ongoing with the Piton Team through Mid-March

  • Group Interview: March 18th or 19th

  • Fellowship Offers by March 24th 

  • Fellowship Kick-off: June 11-13th


$1 Dress Down Day!!

This Friday, we will have a $1 Dress Down Day at the school. All students are eligible to dress down so long as they pay $1. Any students wishing to dress down still must adhere to the CVMS dress code policy. All money earned goes directly to our student activities here at CVMS!

Wolfpack Athletic Updates


    • This spring we have THREE different options for your student to participate in!

      • Boys Volleyball

        • Tryouts will be Tuesday, March 12th from 7:15am-8:40am

      • Flag Football (co-ed)

        • Tryouts will be Monday, March 11th from 7:15am-8:40am

      • Girls Soccer

        • Official tryouts will be Tuesday, March 12th from 7:15am-8:40am

        • Morning workouts have started and will continue next week on Tuesday & Thursday from 8-8:40am

    • Registration for all sports is still open! Families can sign up students using one of the links below, and the season will start the week of March 11th. (Practices will be everyday from 7:15-8:35) 

    • Please remember that for all sports, students must have a completed registration form, a current physical on file with the school & pay the CVMS Athletics Fee ($20)

      • If your student has already registered for a team sport this school year, you do not need to register them again

      • For fee payment, we take cash or check, OR you can pay with your MySpark card by coming into our Front Office!

Community Engagement Updates

CVF* - Family Engagement Council - March 7, 8:45-9:45am

*(College View Families)

Do you have suggestions for campus improvements? Do you like to help plan and create fun events? Do you want a seat at the table for important decisions that are being made for our school? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join our Family Engagement Council! We will meet on the First Thursday of each month with families, teachers, administrators, and community partners! 


Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, March 12

All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors. This week, we will be writing messages of gratitude for our staff to start off the school year on a positive note!

  • High School 8:30-9:00 am - Mr. Erik Jacobson

  • Middle School 9:00-9:30 am - Mr. Graham Wynings

Coffee and light snacks provided!

[insert March Calendar of events flyer]


Family Working Group - Thursday, March 21 - 8:30-10:00 am

Every month, a group of parents from both CVMS and CVHS get together to help improve our campus for our students and families to have a better experience at DSST: College View. 

This month, our Family working group will focus on planning for a few upcoming events:

  • Teacher Appreciation week

  • Car Show

  • Community Clean up

  • “A Taste of College View” - Family business expo

  • Fundraising to support these efforts!

Please join us to contribute your ideas and to be part of the initial planning of these events!

Questions: Rose.Martinez@scienceandtech.org or (720)263-1377 (text or call)


Upcoming at FACE University - Tuesday, March 5, 5-6 pm


Free After School Meals from Tasy Food!

Denver invites youth, ages 5 - 18, to enjoy FREE breakfast, lunch, supper and/or a nutritious snack. Tasty Food meals include up to five food groups that are low in fat and prepared fresh. No ID or registration required, just show up and eat. Bring some friends for some fun!
Find your nearest site and stay updated HERE.

Wolves in Action

Congratulations to the 140 families that received $1000 at conferences from MySpark Denver! The funds from MySpark can be used to pay for extracurricular activities, such as tutoring, sports, martial arts, visual arts, music & more!! If you want to receive $1000 for your student(s) in grades 6-8, you can sign up for MySpark too!! 

Instagram:  @myspark_denver

Facebook:  My Spark Denver


Connect with us!




College View Middle School

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