DSST: College View Middle School

Nov 13 MS Newsletter

11/13/23, 3:37 PM

College View Middle School

Middle School Newsletter

Monday, November 13, 2023

Director’s Note from the Middle School 


College View Middle School Families,


Thank you so much for your feedback on the Family Survey. We had 193 families share feedback with us--that’s 45% of our student body! We will be sharing more details about the feedback we received, we will name what is within our control to fix and how we will take action, will share with you what is not within our control, and will be following up with some individual families who shared comments in the survey.

Overall, we saw our Family Satisfaction improve from 41 to 63--which is more growth we have seen in a single year in the history of our school’s program. Families felt that school communication is strong, families feel welcome, students are safe and happy at school, and students are being prepared academically for college. We are excited to share more details in an upcoming letter, and invite you to come to our Town Hall on 11.30--where we will discuss our action plan to respond to your feedback. 


Quick announcement: With the coming cold weather, we are now allowing students anytime from 8:25-8:45 to enter the building and hang out in the commons with an administrator. Please do not bring your students before 8:25, because there is no supervision outside during that time. 




Graham Wynings, School Director 

Front Office

Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines

Picture Retakes (Nov 14th): 

  • Picture Day Retakes are tomorrow, Tuesday, November 14th.

  • To purchase your student's picture you can order online at mylifetouch.com using your student’s ID or the Picture day ID: EVTJXHDQV

  • ONLY students who are retaking their pictures can dress down. 


Thanksgiving break (Nov 20 - Nov 24): 

  • In observation of the Thanksgiving holiday, CVMS will be closed from November 20th to November 24th

  • Students will return to school on November 27th 


Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager


Handicap Parking:

  • It has come to our attention that the handicap parking spots have been blocked on a regular basis. We ask that you please be considerate by making sure to leave access for those with disabilities throughout the day, including during dismissal, and make sure that these spots are available for those families they are intended for. Please contact the School Director with any additional concerns.


Open Houses for families interested in attending CVMS next year! - November 6, 5:30-6:30pm

  • If you know of any friends, family or neighbors who are interested in sending their student to CVMS next school year, please invite them to one of our Open Houses! 

  • If you’re interested in helping with our Open Houses, we are looking for volunteers to help with various tasks. Contact the Front Office or Rose.Martinez@scienceandtech.org if you are interested in volunteering


Southwest 3K Fun Run & Walk - November 11, 9:00-11:00 am

  • Please join us and Southwest Vida Youth Leadership Team at their upcoming event "Southwest Vida 3K Fun Run & Walk". It will be on November 11, 2023 from 9am to 11am, at Barnum Park. We hope to see you there!!

You can read this article to learn more about Southwest Vida Youth Leadership. 

For more information, contact Donna.Fortuny@scienceandtech.org (303)912-4719


2024 Community Planning and Advisory Committee (CPAC) 

  • DPS is currently accepting applications from members of the community, including parents/guardians, students, educators, community members, and alumni. Applications are available in English and in Spanish and will close on Friday, November 17th.


DPS Your Voice- Tu Voz Survey is now open!

  • The DPS “Your Voice/Tu Voz” Family Survey is now open and will close Wednesday, Nov. 15. Families who complete the survey between Nov. 1-15 will be entered to win one of 10 $20 King Soopers gift cards! Review the FAQ before you take the survey: https://survey.k12insight.com/r/JlSrxL 


Fall Festival! Friday, November 17 - 4:30-6:30pm

Please see the below message from our High School Student Council and use this link to sign up! https://forms.gle/d3kytvzs1ZmN9Zve7 

  • Student Council will be hosting a Fall Festival on Friday, November 17th from 4:30-6:30pm. We will have raffles, crafts, a potluck, and potentially live music for everyone there. The event will be free for everyone. We have invited College View Elementary and College View Middle School to come join us in the event. We will also be doing a canned food and school supply drive as a part of senior projects, so please bring extra items that you can spare for others in need.
    Student Council is asking if you can contribute a dish for people to enjoy as a part of our community potluck. We plan to have many attendees, so the more you can make the better! Our goal is to have at least 10% of families join us to help give back to our community. Additionally, the Student Council will be giving out a trophy for the best dish, so please come and support us!
    If you cannot, you can support your students by encouraging them to bring food to the event as well. We will be giving out prizes for the best Senior Academy and Prep Academy dishes along with a few raffles. If you are interested in joining us, please contact namadam.vu.cv@scienceandtech.org or alessandra.caraballo.cv@scienceandtech.org for more details. Thank you so much for supporting our community!

Wolfpack Athletic Updates

Girls Basketball: (Coached by Lusa)

  • Our Girls BBall season is in full swing! Check out our Girls Basketball hub in the shared drive for our game schedule!

  • Our upcoming home games are on the following dates:

    • Wednesday, 11/29 (A Team @ 4:30/ B Team @ 6:30)

    • Wednesday, 12/6 (A Team @ 4:30/ B Team @ 6:30)

Boys Basketball: (Coached by Castanzo & Lusa)


Does your student belong to one of our clubs? Check out our club schedule below!


Community Engagement Updates


We would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all the families that gave us feedback on the Family Survey! We have begun the process to look through every comment and to assess the data and the trends that have come through the surveys. Be sure to attend our Town Hall to be part of the conversation on what we learned from the survey data and what we will be working on as a campus in the spirit of continuous improvement. CVMS surpassed our goal of 40% of families completing the survey! Thank you for helping us make this happen!


Call for Volunteers! Elementary Ambassador to Johnson, Traylor Academy, and Godson Elementary

An Elementary Ambassador would be someone who has a relationship with one of our local elementary schools and can help us stay connected to the Elementary school by: Bringing flyers from our school to the elementary school, help us spread the word on upcoming events, and help give us perspective about how to best work with the elementary school. (You don't need to commit to coming to our Thursday morning meetings to be an Elementary Ambassador)

Our goal is to build a strong community in Southwest Denver by having strong relationships with the surrounding schools. If this sounds like something you can help with, email Rose.Martinez@scienceandtech.org 


Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, November 14, CV Cafeteria

All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors. This month, you will have the opportunity to meet the Associate School Directors. 

  • High School 8:30-9:00 am - Meet our Associate Director - Jesse Heaton

  • Middle School 9:00-9:30 am - Meet our Associate Director - Joven Lusa

Coffee and light snacks are provided!


MLE DAC - Wednesday, November 15 - 5:00-7:00pm

Location: Place Bridge Academy; 7125 Cherry Creek Dr. North, Denver, CO 80224
Join other DPS families for our November MLE DAC Meeting!

Multilingual Education District Advisory Committee (MLE DAC)

All families of DPS multilingual students and community members are encouraged to attend!

Dinner, interpretation, and childcare will be provided. Please register HERE.

For more information, please call 720-423-3058.

Hope to see you there!

View the event fliers: 

English     Español     العربية     Tiếng Việt     አማርኛ     Soomaali     Français    नेपाली     汉语


CVF - Family Working Group - Thursday, November 16 - 8:30-10:00am, CVHS Conference Room

The Family Working Group is made up of parents that are looking to help promote solutions to some of the issues that our campus faces. This week we will be establishing a Mission and Vision statement. We will also be drafting a request to the city to extend the light at Dartmouth to leave campus during dismissal, especially while S Irving St is under construction.  We would love for you to be part of this group!


Town Hall - Thursday, November 30 - 5:00-6:00pm

DSST: College View holds 2 Town Halls each school year. We use this time to hear directly from families on the issues that are most important to you. We will also provide updates on how the school plans to address family and student concerns. In past Town Halls, we have brought in experts in the community to work collaboratively with our school staff and families and to provide further context. Stay tuned for more information on the topics of this semester’s Town Hall. Childcare, interpretation, and food will be provided. 


Our annual College View Holiday Toy Drive is BACK! We are so excited to be doing this again for our community, and we hope that more people than ever are able to get involved. Whether you are in need of assistance, or you are looking to help out families by sponsoring children or making a donation, there is always room for you to participate!


To start, please fill out this brief survey: https://forms.gle/d6DkvCRw9nfsdaso7


Through this form, we are looking to identify those in the community who need the most help this year getting holiday gifts for their children. As soon as we compile a list, we will be reaching out to both suggested families and those interested in sponsoring. The more responses we get, the more help we can provide assistance to those in need. Over the past four years, we have been able to provide holiday gifts for over 325 children in our community; something the Wolfpack is both grateful for and extremely proud of!


More information about the Toy Drive, as well as how you can make a financial donation, will be communicated in the near future. Thank you in advance, and we can’t wait to help as many families as possible! And let us be the first to wish you a Happy Holidays!


If you have any questions, please contact Rob Castanzo (robert.castanzo@scienceandtech.org)


The King Soopers Community Rewards program is an easy way to donate money to your school by shopping at King Soopers! Sign up on the King Soopers website is fast and free! Just connect your Sooper Card to the program using our organization ID (EH570) and buy your regular grocery list. The school will receive 5% back. The money will be used as an established scholarship fund for students in the high school to travel out of Colorado before they graduate. Please take 5 minutes to sign up and start donating to a great cause!

  Connect with us!




College View Middle School

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