DSST: College View Middle School

CVMS Traffic Updates

10/04/23, 5:12 PM

We have heard your feedback about the traffic and congestion on campus, especially during Wednesday dismissal and the morning drop off for Middle School families, and we would like to inform you on some changes that we will be implementing starting on October, 5th.


Members from our Leadership and Operations teams have been adding time to our day to observe the drop off and pick up process. We have identified that the traffic needs attention between 8:40-8:50 am and during Wednesday dismissal. The main issue that is causing the traffic to back up is that the cars are using both the circulation lane (on the left) AND the fire lane to drop off and pick up students. This really slows down the traffic, and at times, this results in all traffic coming to a complete stop.  Please only let your students out of the vehicle when they are in the right lane (fire lane).


This is what we will do as school staff to help:

  • We will have staff in 3 key locations to help remind families of the expectations

    • Staff may ask you to turn right to leave the parking lot

    • Staff may ask you to move your parked vehicle out of the traffic loop

This is what some families have already done to help alleviate the traffic: 

  • Submitted tickets through PocketGov.org to the city requesting that the stop light to leave campus allows for more than only 3 cars to turn North on Federal or cross it.

  • Created a letter to our City Councilman requesting help in keeping the intersection of S Irving St and W Dartmouth Ave clean and clear to alleviate traffic back ups


We ask that you please follow all the traffic laws and regulations and that you remain courteous and respectful when you are on our campus. 

  • We encourage you to pick up your students on the main lot along the fire lane. Please PARK and STOP when you see your student

  • Keep moving along the Main lot loop (fire lane), do not park and wait unless you see your student/s and they see you, do not exceed 2min.

  • DO NOT park in any of the parking lot spaces. (any spot that has a letter/number) Every single one of our parking spots belongs to a staff member or a student 

  • Plan a pickup spot with your students ahead of time and stick to it so that over time it takes less time to pick up or drop off

  • If you choose to drop off/pick up in the main parking lot you will turn RIGHT towards Irving Street to exit the parking lot. Turning Left causes cars to block the street and it delays exiting the lot. You can get access to Federal Blvd via Irving and Floyd St.

  • Do not pick up students along Dartmouth St. as it creates more stop-and-go and build-up of traffic


Black Arrows: Inside

Fire Lane Loop


Red Arrows:

Use the pathway to exit

the Main Parking lot