DSST Strategic Plan Engagement Opportunity
09/18/23, 7:47 AM
Dear DSST Families,
Firstly, I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Antwan Wilson, and I am the President of DSST Public Schools. I joined the organization in July and am thrilled to be a part of this mission- and values-driven organization with such a strong and dynamic group of students and families. One of my primary responsibilities is to help the network improve student achievement and the student experience in our schools.
I am writing today to share an opportunity for families to be engaged as partners in the work of the DSST Strategic Plan. This fall, I will be launching a President’s Family Advisory Group. This group will meet once per quarter for an hour (translation services provided) to share family insights, perspectives and experiences to inform improvements in our work at DSST. If you are interested in joining this advisory group, please click here to nominate yourself or someone else to join by Sept. 22.
Lastly, if you have any input or questions you would like to share, we always welcome those through the comment box on our Strategic Plan Landing Page.
I am so grateful for the trust you put in us to educate your student(s), and I look forward to engaging with you as we work together to help all of our students reach their incredible potential.
Respectfully in partnership,
Antwan Wilson
DSST President