DSST: College View Middle School

CVMS Family Newsletter - September 5

09/05/23, 4:01 PM


College View

Middle School Newsletter

Friday, September 2, 2022

College View Middle School Front Office

Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines

Dental Sealant (6th grade only)

  • Dear 6th grade families, The Denver Health Dental Sealant program will be at our school soon! This program provides screenings, fluoride, and sealants at no cost to you. Sealants and fluoride are a pain-free and quick way to prevent cavities.

  •  Click here to sign your student up or pick up a consent form at the Front Desk! The last day to return the consent form is Monday, Sep 11, 2023

Picture Day - Sep 25

  • Picture day is happening, Friday Sep 25th 

  • More information to come!


Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager



Traffic Safety

As the academic year begins, busy parents and school buses will add to traffic congestion, making school zone safety very important on our campus. Please follow these school guidelines for drop-off and pick up to keep our students and each other safe: 

  • Drivers should obey all traffic laws, including stop signs and allowing the pedestrians the right of way in crosswalks

  • Drivers should drop off students next to the curb and then pull into the left lane to keep the traffic moving

  • Pedestrians should cross at crosswalks and make eye contact with the driver of a car before crossing in front of it

  • Cars should not be parked in the fire lanes for an extended amount of time. 

  • We ask that you only use the fire lane as a "kiss and go" lane, not as parking

Please always remember to be kind and respectful to each other! 


Parking Updates

  • The administration has made a decision to number all parking spaces and assign them to teachers and staff. Please do not park in a numbered space in the main parking lot or the parking lot by the cafeteria. Please use the visitor spaces when visiting campus. Thank you for your support and cooperation.


Free RTD 

  • RTD will let Denver area youth ride for free ALL year long to school, work, and anywhere. You can find more information regarding this on this article or on RTD’s website


Infinite Campus Attendance Request Processing

  • Families save time by letting us know that your student is going to arrive later or be absent. Starting this year, DPS families will be able to use their computers or smartphones to know about absences or late arrivals so they can focus on taking care of their children. Guardian of DPS students must have an active DPS Parent Portal account to use this new feature. Visit myportal.dpsk12.org to sign up, or check that your account is ready and active. Directions are available in English or Spanish. Visit the Attendance webpage for more information. 

Wolfpack Athletic Updates


    • Our Fall Sports seasons are in full swing already, and we’re excited to start our first games this week!! 

      • You can view all of our schedules here: Team Sideline 

      • You can also find game opponents & addresses on this site!

    • Registration for Girls Volleyball & Boys Soccer has officially closed, but we are still accepting new members on our Cross Country & Cheerleading teams. 

  • All of our Clubs Here at CVMS are starting the week of September 5th!! Here is a snip of the Clubs we will be offering this school year:

  • Middle School Athletic Director

  • robert.castanzo@scienceandtech.org

  • 570-878-6511

Community Engagement Updates

CVF* - Family Engagement Council - September 7, 8:45-10:00am - CVHS Conference Room

*(College View Families)

Do you have suggestions for campus improvements? Do you like to help plan and create fun events? Do you want a seat at the table for important decisions that are being made for our school? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join our Family Engagement Council! We will meet on the First Thursday of each month


Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, September 12 - Cafeteria

All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors. This week, we will be writing messages of gratitude for our staff to start off the school year on a positive note!

  • High School 8:30-9:00 am - Mr. Erik Jacobson

  • Middle School 9:00-9:30 am - Mr. Graham Wynings

Coffee and light snacks provided!


CVF - Family Working Group - Tuesday, September 21 - 8:30-10:00am - CVHS Conference Room

The Family Working Group is made up of parents that are looking to help promote solutions to some of the issues that our campus faces. If you have ideas on how to improve traffic flow or arrival/dismissal procedures, or the family-facing communications sent home, or any other topic, we would love for you to be part of this group!




College View, we are having a community night fundraiser at Coors Field! Our fundraiser night is in a few weeks on Friday, September 15th, when the Rockies take on the San Francisco Giants. With this fundraiser, our school gets money from every single ticket we sell, and all of the money we earn gets put directly into student activities.

The game is at 6:40pm on Friday, September 15th vs. the San Francisco Giants! Through the school you can order:

  • $6 Upper Level Tickets

  • $20 Lower Level Tickets

  • $22 Parking Passes

Order forms can be picked up and dropped off at the front office in both the Middle School & the High School. I am also going to attach the order form here, so if you would rather print it out yourself, you have that option. All orders must be paid in cash or check! All of the details are also on the attached poster. 

Order forms are due NO LATER than Friday, September 8th!

So please buy some tickets and support our Wolves! As always, email Rob Castanzo at robert.castanzo@scienceandtecch.org with any questions. We hope to see you at the ballpark!!


The King Soopers Community Rewards program is an easy way to donate money to your school by shopping at King Soopers! Sign up on the King Soopers website is fast and free! Just connect your Sooper Card to the program using our organization ID (EH570) and buy your regular grocery list. The school will receive 5% back. The money will be used as an established scholarship fund for students in the high school to travel out of Colorado before they graduate. Please take 5 minutes to sign up and start donating to a great cause!

  Connect with us!


College View Middle School

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