DSST: College View Middle School

CVMS Updates 23-24

08/08/23, 4:22 PM


Middle School Updates: 


School Hours: 



School Hours Expectations: 

  • Students who ride with siblings at the High School should wait in the middle school commons with an administrator from 8:25-8:45

  • There will be no adult supervision on campus before 8:40 and after 4:40. Please make sure that your students are not on campus outside of those times, except for arranged programming with adults



As a reminder, we have amended the dress code for the 2023-2024 school year. DSST has made changes to the dress code to keep the focus on teaching and learning, support students' individuality and keep students safe. Please note that students can wear any color pants, including jeans, as long as they follow our dress code guidelines. 

Please review our Dress Code - attached to this flyer! 


Important Dates: 

Wolfpack Welcome back: 

Monday, August 14, 2023 from 4:30pm-5:30pm 

Wolfpack Welcome Back is one of our favorite events of the entire school year! Students return to campus to receive their class schedules, reconnect with their friends, and even meet their new teachers!! 


First day of school:

 Thursday, August 17th

Arrival: 8:55am (doors open at 8:45 am) & Dismissal: 4:25pm

Visit our school’s website for other family resources like the school supply list! 


Attachment: 16915329288212_English_-_Dress_Code_Uniform_Policy_1.pdf

Attachment: 16915329288363_Spanish_-_Dress_Code_Uniform_Policy_.pdf