Family Newsletter - May 26
05/26/23, 2:13 PM
College View
Middle School Newsletter
Friday, May 26, 2022
College View Middle School Front Office
Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines
NO SCHOOL: Memorial Day May 29th
Final IA Exams: May 30-31
Students will be taking their final exam on May 30th-31st
Please ensure your student is well rested to ensure they do their best.
Student’s will be released at regular time
Tuesday: May 30th @ 3:00pm
Wednesday: May 31st @1:00pm
Early Release June 1st & 2nd:
June 1st @ 11:30am
June 2nd @ 11:00am
Our Trimester 3 End-Of-Tri Awards Ceremony will take place on Thursday, June 1st at 8am in the gym!
Last day of school: June 2nd!!!
Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager
Director’s Note from the Middle School:
Dear Wolfpack Families,
We are incredibly excited to close the year out strong with students and staff. We have a lot of fun events next week for students: 8th grade dance Wednesday, 8th grade continuation on Thursday, and Field Day on Friday--the last day of the school year.
THANK YOU for trusting us with your kiddos, and we hope you have an AMAZING summer.
Graham Wynings, School Director
Southwest Vida Billboard Unveiling - June 8th at 5:30 p.m.
The Southwest Vida Youth Leadership Team is starting a gun violence prevention campaign this summer. Kicking it off with Billboard Unveiling located on S Federal Blvd and 8th Avenue on June 8th at 5:30 p.m.
You can also sign a pledge to support their campaign
Link to the pledges (14-24 years old)
Link to the pledges (25+ years old)
Reach out to with any questions!
STEM Camp at Regis University - June 13-17 or July 11-15
Is your middle school girl interested in exploring STEM this summer? Sign up for the Rangers Empowering Girls in STEM camp on June 13-17 or July 11-15. The camp is open to rising sixth- to eighth-grade girls interested in learning about STEM subjects and will be hosted by female faculty and undergraduate college students. There are a number of full scholarships available for families who qualify for free/reduced lunch. Please email to provide FRL documentation, and you will be provided with a code to register.
Learn more about the camp here:
Wolfpack Athletic Updates
Girls on the Run!
Our Girls on the Run team had a hugely successful race day last Saturday!! The team ran the Colfax 5k, and they did such a great job. We even had two girls finish in the top 25 runners out of over 1,500 people!!
We hope to bring Girls on the Run back to CVMS next year, and we encourage all young ladies to consider joining!
Sports Uniforms!
All Sports Uniforms MUST be returned ASAP to the school! Failure to return a uniform will result in a $75 fee being added to your student account.
Community Engagement Updates
Community Garden at College View!
Our campus will be partnering with ReVision again this year to bring our Community Garden back to life! Last year was a great success and we grew a ton of vegetables! The garden is located outside the High School's front doors. The ReVision team will be here every Friday from 1:15-3:45 pm to work in the garden with our students. If interested please join after school!
Integrated Family Community Services is looking for volunteers during the summer to help with their food pantry.
For more information, please visit our website:
To sign up for individual opportunities, students will need to click the “Sign Up to Volunteer” button to schedule
Those looking for small group opportunities are invited to reach out to our volunteer coordinator directly for scheduling
General Guidelines for Students:
Students 10-15 years old may volunteer with adult supervision
Students 16-17 years old may volunteer independently with guardian permission
SW Denver's Education Council Meeting, Thursday, June 1st at 9am
Kepner Beacon, 911 S Hazel Court
Join Denver Families for Public Schools and families across Southwest Denver and across the family of schools in DPS through the Southwest Denver Parent Regional Council! This collective is an opportunity for parents, school staff, community members, to have more of an opportunity to understand the role the school board plays in our community, and a space to be able to respond to the issues/decisions that the DPS Board of Education is taking on behalf of their student
Thank you for the King Soopers Rewards Fund support!
Friends & Families of the CVHS Community, thank you SO much for your support through the King Soopers Rewards program! Your involvement has supported over 20 students being able to raise funds for our Summer 2023 trip to Spain. We have raised over $3000 to date! We appreciate you all and hope to continue contributing to this program to help fund future travels.
If you haven’t yet connected your King Soopers card so that you can give free money to our school, you can easily sign up on the King Soopers website! And it’s free for you! Just connect your Sooper Card to the program using our organization ID (EH570) and buy your regular grocery list. The school will receive 5% back. The money will be used as an established scholarship fund for students in the high school to travel out of Colorado before they graduate. Please take 5 minutes to sign up and start donating to a great cause!
These funds will be supporting our upcoming 2024 Senior Trip to Puerto Rico!
Wolves in Action
Wednesday marked the beginning of an amazing tradition to honor the beloved High School founding basketball coach Nick “Swaggy P” Petersen who sadly left us in October 2021. Nick embodied everything it meant to not just be a great student athlete, but to be a great teammate and to have as much FUN as possible playing on a sports team. CVHS athletics has created an annual award dedicated to the top CVHS athlete who has shown the greatest impact not just on their team, but on the entire community in coach Petersens honor. Huge shout out to Mr. Patrick Murphy who worked very hard to start this amazing tradition that will live on in CVHS for many years to come.
It was so great to see current students, incoming freshmen, alumni and staff participate in the 3v3 basketball tournament that raised money to provide a scholarship to the “Swaggy P” award winner.
Pictured below: Rafael Sosa (11), Inaugural winner of Swaggy P award!
CV Business of the Week!
What the Pho - Vietnamese Restaurant in Downtown Denver!
1600 Champa St, Suite 110, Denver, CO 80202
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