Family Newsletter - May 5th
05/07/23, 12:39 PM
College View
Middle School Newsletter
Friday, May 5, 2023
College View Middle School Front Office
Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines
Early Bird Registration: May 8-May 19
The “Early Bird” window for online registration is May 8-19. Register online this spring and avoid paper forms and save time at school during the fall return. All SchoolChoice applicants must have an accepted seat prior to registering their student. To get started, primary legal guardians of current students should visit and either create an account or log in.
Coffee with Director: May 16th
Please join us for our last Coffee with Directors!!
Coffee and donuts provided!
Middle School 7:30-8:00 am - Mr. Graham Wynings
Teacher Appreciation Week: May 8th-May 12th
It is time to show love and appreciation to some of the most important people in our children’s lives, our TEACHERS! We will be celebrating teacher appreciation week from May 8th through May 12th.
Our teachers work hard in educating, guiding and walking our students on the path of success. Please remind your students to celebrate our teachers and show them some extra love!!!
- Families are also welcome to participate! To learn more on how to participate please click here!!
Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager
Director’s Note from the Middle School:
Good afternoon families!
We are very excited to have you and your students on campus today for our Wish Week Festival. We have had a very special week celebrating and raising money for our wish kid Orion. Today, a company came to campus and shared a donation of 2,000 dollars for him. It is so powerful for us to practice generosity and giving for those in need, and we thank you so much for supporting us this week. We had a great time at Coors Field yesterday for STEM day. Thank you for sending your students to this important opportunity. We are hoping to increase students' interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math because these are where the most jobs are in our future job market.
One quick announcement: As the weather gets nicer, we have started opening the doors again at 7:25 to students. If the weather in the morning drops below freezing, we will let students into the commons at 7:15. Please continue to bring students early, or wait with them until 7:25 in cars to help promote a quick entry and cut down on traffic.
Graham Wynings, School Director
STEM Camp at Regis University - June 13-17 or July 11-15
Is your middle school girl interested in exploring STEM this summer? Sign up for the Rangers Empowering Girls in STEM camp on June 13-17 or July 11-15. The camp is open to rising sixth- to eighth-grade girls interested in learning about STEM subjects and will be hosted by female faculty and undergraduate college students. There are a number of full scholarships available for families who qualify for free/reduced lunch. Please email to provide FRL documentation, and you will be provided with a code to register.
Learn more about the camp here:
Community Garden
We are looking for students, families, and community members to help with our garden this summer. We will be working in the garden every Friday from 1:15-3:45 in collaboration with ReVision Coop
If you’re interested, please contact or (720) 263-1377
8th Grade Continuation
Our 8th grade continuation will commence on Thursday, June 1st at 4:30pm!!
This will happen in the gym
All students and their families are invited!
Wolfpack Athletic Updates
Spring Sports
Our playoffs for spring sports will be happening TOMORROW 5/6 at our home field! Come support our Flag Football team play their game at 9am tomorrow at Riverside Soccer Club
Our Girls On The Run season also ends soon! Our season will end with the running of the Colfax 5k on Saturday, 5/20 at City Park.
Community Engagement Updates
Self-Defense Workshop - Saturday, May 6, 12-3pm
We still have a few spaces available for this free workshop. This workshop is intended for adults - so family member and staff are encouraged to participate. Please sign up if you are interested:
We are bringing in trauma-informed instructors from IMPACT Colorado to provide foundational skills in self-defense. All classes are free to the College View communities through a grant won by Nohemi Torres, a junior at the high school!
Wolfpack Family Meeting - Saturday, May 13, 9:30-10:30am
“Denver Families for Public Schools” will be on campus to talk about school safety with our families and students. Don’t miss it! This will be our last Family Meeting of the year.
Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, May 16
This will be our last Coffee with Directors of the school year! We hope to see everyone for a small celebration.
Middle School 7:30-8:00 am - Mr. Graham Wynings
High School 8:10-8:40 am - Mr. Bill Knous
Coffee and donuts provided!
Integrated Family Community Services is looking for volunteers during the summer to help with their food pantry.
For more information, please visit our website:
To sign up for individual opportunities, students will need to click the “Sign Up to Volunteer” button to schedule
Those looking for small group opportunities are invited to reach out to our volunteer coordinator directly for scheduling
General Guidelines for Students:
Students 10-15 years old may volunteer with adult supervision
Students 16-17 years old may volunteer independently with guardian permission
The King Soopers Community Rewards program is an easy way to donate money to your school by shopping at King Soopers! Sign up on the King Soopers website is fast and free! Just connect your Sooper Card to the program using our organization ID (EH570) and buy your regular grocery list. The school will receive 5% back. The money will be used as an established scholarship fund for students in the high school to travel out of Colorado before they graduate. Please take 5 minutes to sign up and start donating to a great cause!
Wolves in Action
1st annual “Taste of College View”
Thank you to our Family-Owned Businesses that participated in our 1st annual “Taste of College View” event on Wednesday! Please look into the products and services offered in our CV Business Directory and consider giving your business to a CV family!
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