DSST: College View Middle School

CVMS Newsletter - April 21

04/21/23, 3:35 PM

College View

Middle School Newsletter

Friday, April 21, 2023

College View Middle School Front Office


Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines

Senior Signing Day: April 27 

  • Get pumped because Senior Signing Day is less than one week away! Buses will arrive on campuses between 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM and be fully back to campus around 1-1:35 PM. Any students who arrive after 9 AM need to return home and they can watch it virtually. ALL staff including the front office will be out of the building if you have any questions or concerns please contact the front office about this day. Senior Signing Day will be held at 4600 Humboldt St, Denver, CO 80216 (Denver Coliseum).  

Early Bird Registration: May 8-May 19

  • The “Early Bird” window for online registration is May 1-19. Register online this spring and avoid paper forms and save time at school during the fall return. All SchoolChoice applicants must have an accepted seat prior to registering their student. To get started, primary legal guardians of current students should visit myportal.dpsk12.org and either create an account or log in. 

MS Newspaper: 

  • Click here to see the amazing work from our students! 


Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager

Announcements from Students!

Free Health Clinic - Monday April 24th from 3:00-5:00pm

Hosted by Seniors, Emily C, Melissa B, Alex A

Hello wolves! We are proud to announce that on Monday April 24th, College View High school will be holding a Mobile Clinic event! This event will be held at the CVHS lower student parking (H Lot)  from 3:00-5:00 p.m. This mobile clinic will provide checkups, screenings, blood pressure and heart rate tests- no fees & no insurance required! 

By attending our event, there is an opportunity to earn extra credit! The only requirements are to be enrolled in a science class, attend our event and take a picture at/of event!

Lastly, by attending the mobile clinic event, you will be automatically entered into a raffle for the chance to win a bag for upcoming Mother’s Day!!  Link for Mobile Clinic Sign Up!



You're Invited to Wolfstock 2023 - Friday, May 29 from 4:00-7:00pm

Wolfstock is our annual student work showcase. Please join us in the CVHS commons for a night of student work, fun, and food. You will be able to buy things from our student entrepreneurs as well as the food trucks we will have present. Questions? Reach out to Haley.Rice@scienceandtech.org 


“Cruisin for Wishes” Car Show - April 29 from 10am-12pm in the CV Parking Lot!
Hosted by Senior, Laura J.
“Cruisin for Wishes” is an event dedicated to fundraise money for children with a critical illness through the Make-A-Wish foundation. ALL of the money raised will go towards Make-A-Wish Colorado for children like Orion. Please fill out the google form to secure your spot. You can also donate online: https://forms.gle/QV7LokVVG7hH3JVU9
I hope to see you all there! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out! Spectators enter for free!


Register for the Family Business Expo - May 3 from 2-4pm

If you or a family member has a business or offers services to the community, please register for our Business Directory. Additionally, we will be hosting a special event “Taste of College View” on May 3 to showcase family businesses. Don’t miss out on this opportunity for FREE advertising and to connect with other family-owned businesses. At the May 3rd event, you will be able to sell your products, give out discount coupons, give away free samples, and business cards! Register today! https://bit.ly/cvbizsignup 


Make Fidget Toys at Wolfstock! Friday, May 29 from 4:00-7:00pm
Hosted by Senior, Jaycob N.


Aerospace Field Trip - May 1, 10am-2pm

Is your student interested in Aerospace, Airplanes, Aviation, and flying? This field trip may be a great way to get more exposure into this STEM field! Find out more about the “Shades of Blue” Symposium and fill out your interest form today! https://forms.gle/Sx7Uh61NiLqnnRF69 We only have 14 spaces available, which will be filled in a first come, first served basis. All students must be in good academic standing to attend. Questions? Call/text/email Rose.Martinez@scienceandtech.org (720) 263-1377

Wolfpack Athletic Updates


  • Our spring sports are off to a great start! We have SO much going on, please come out and support our teams at one of our upcoming home games! Our final home game will be during the Spring Sports playoffs on Saturday, 5/6!

  • Girls on the Run is also in mid-season form! If you would like to support the program, please come out and cheer on our girls when they participate in the Colfax 5k on Saturday, May 20th at City Park downtown!

  • Boys Volleyball is still looking for more members! The team is open to boys in all grade levels, and we practice on Tuesdays & Thursdays in the gym from 3-4:15!

  • Our Cheerleaders are performing at SENIOR SIGNING DAY!! This is such a huge opportunity for our cheer program, and we are so proud of these girls! You can also come check them out at any of our Home Flag Football/ Girls Soccer games.

Community Engagement Updates

A TASTE OF COLLEGE VIEW - Family Business Expo! - May 3, 2-4pm

Come check out the Family Business from College View families! Buy food, learn about services offered, support local business! There is no entry fee, just an opportunity to connect with local businesses and to get a Taste of College View! 


Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, May 16

All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors.

  • Middle School 7:30-8:00 am - Mr. Graham Wynings

  • High School 8:10-8:40 am - Mr. Bill Knous

Coffee and donuts provided!


Self-Defense Workshop - May 6 from 12-3pm

IMPACT Colorado will be back to give a free workshop to families of CV students - that’s YOU! The Parents & Guardians! REGISTER HERE: https://bit.ly/3ZmO12b
Spaces are limited so spots will be filled on a first-come first-served basis. 

3-Hour Workshops:

  • May 6 (12:00pm-3:00pm) for Families/Community Members/Staff



  • It’s time to start getting excited about WISH WEEK 2023!! Wish Week 2023 will be the first week of May from May 1-5! We are partnering once again with the Make-A-Wish Foundation to make this year even bigger and better than last year, and there is a role that ALL of you can play, so hopefully you all can start to get excited!

  • Here is a preview of the week’s events:

    • Monday, May 1: 

      • Start of the raffle (3-5)

      • Food Trucks: Heckin’ Good Bubble Tea & Wafflerita

    • Tuesday, May 2: 

      • Middle School Wolfstock Event (3-6)

      • Food Truck: Dude Bro Taco

    • Wednesday, May 3: 

      • 2nd Annual whole-campus dodgeball competition (signups will start next week!) (1:30-4)

      • 1st ever “Taste of College View” event. If you or someone you know has a business that would like to be featured for this event, please contact Rose Martinez or Rob Castanzo!

    • Thursday, May 4:

      • 2nd Annual Pie Eating Competition (signups will start next week!) (3:45-4:30)

        • This year, it will be a PIZZA eating competition!!!

      • Family Game Night! Play Lotería, compete in FIFA Tournament, & More!

        • Immediately after Pie Eating contest

      • Food Trucks: Dos Gringos Tacos & Repicci’s Italian Ice

    • Friday, May 5:

      • 2nd Annual Wish Week Festival! (3-6:30)

      • Vendors on campus: Colorado School of Mines, Metro State Denver, Colorado Rockies, Lockheed Martin, Denver Center of Performing Arts, Slalom, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, ’24 Climbing Wall, and much more!

      • Food Trucks: Heckin Good Bubble Tea, Kona Ice, The Captain Tacos & Sushi, Big Apple Bodega

  • Remember that all the money you spend during this week is going to be donated to our Wish Kid, Orion! I have attached his one-pager to this email if you’d like to read more about him. So get involved! Come to the events, participate in the games and the fun, and contact me directly if you’d like to volunteer!


Free Festival - April 23


TWO LITER BOTTLES NEEDED! During our Wish Week Festival on Friday, May 5th, we will have Lockheed Martin on campus! They will be doing experiments using 2 Liter bottles, so please bring them into school when you are all done with them! 


The King Soopers Community Rewards program is an easy way to donate money to your school by shopping at King Soopers! Sign up on the King Soopers website is fast and free! Just connect your Sooper Card to the program using our organization ID (EH570) and buy your regular grocery list. The school will receive 5% back. The money will be used as an established scholarship fund for students in the high school to travel out of Colorado before they graduate. Please take 5 minutes to sign up and start donating to a great cause!

Connect with us!


College View Middle School

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