CVMS Family Newsletter - March 17th
03/17/23, 2:27 PM
College View
Middle School Newsletter
Friday, March 17, 2022
College View Middle School Front Office
Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines
Tri 2 Family Survey: March 3 - March 24
The Tri 2 Family Survey is now open!
Your feedback is incredibly valuable and helps us continue to improve and grow.
CLICK HERE to complete the survey
NO SCHOOL: March 24 - Professional Learning Day for Teachers & Staff
Due to professional development day for staff there will be no school on Friday, March 24th. Students will return after spring break - April 3rd.
The HS will still be on regular schedule
Spring Break: March 27th - March 31
DPS Spring break is this Monday, March 27th to Friday, March 31st
Students will be returning to school on April 3rd
Have a great break wolves!
CMAS Testing: April 10-April 18
CMAS testing will be happening April 10 - April 18
Please support your student by ensuring that they are at school on time and well rested! This will help them do their best on this assessment
We will provide breakfast for students at school as usual
If your student is not able to attend one or more days of this testing week, they will need to participate in Makeup testing which will occur through April 28th
Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager
Director’s Note from the Middle School:
Dear College View Middle School Families,
I hope this message finds you well today! Thanks to those families who reached out to let me know the Healthy Start survey was not working. You should now be able to provide feedback using this link to the quick survey.
Thank you SO MUCH for coming to family conferences. I met with several families and heard that great things are happening for your students at CVMS. That is our goal, and we will continue to do everything we can to respond to your feedback. Quick reminder that if you do not have a conference scheduled, please reach out to schedule with your student’s advisor. In conferences, we started receiving great feedback from families on our Trimester 2 survey. We have a goal of getting feedback from 35% of our families. We are currently at 20% completion. We will raffle two 100 dollar Amazon gift cards to families. If you haven’t completed that yet, please take 3-5 minutes to share feedback with us using this link:
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Graham Wynings, School Director
SELF-DEFENSE WORKSHOPS are coming to the CV Campus in April & May
We are bringing in trauma-informed instructors from IMPACT Colorado to provide foundational skills in self-defense. All classes are free to the College View communities through a grant won by Nohemi Torres, a junior at the high school! REGISTER HERE:
Spaces are limited so spots will be filled on a first-come first-served basis.
The DSST: College View Campus will host these workshops in the Middle School Commons
1.5-Hour Workshops on Wednesdays:
March 22 (2:00pm-3:30pm) for Middle Schoolers (CVMS grades 6-8)
April 19 (2:00pm-3:30pm) for High Schoolers (CVHS grades 9-12)
3-Hour Workshops on Saturdays:
March 25 (12:00pm-3:00pm) for High Schoolers (CVHS grades 9-12)
April 15 (12:00pm-3:00pm) for Middle Schoolers (CVMS grades 6-8)
May 6 (12:00pm-3:00pm) for Families/Community Members/Staff
CABPES STEM Career Fair - Tuesday, April 4 from 6-8 pm online.
This event will feature 10 companies in the STEM fields that will talk about a day in the life of a STEM professional and what a student needs to do to get a position at their company in the future as a STEM professional.
Students and their families may visit for more event information or they may register here. This event is for any student and their parents to attend. There is no registration fee for this event but registration for this event is required to access the event’s online location.
Celebrate Opening Weekend at Coors Field!
The Colorado Rockies and the Denver Public Schools Foundation would like to invite you to Denver Public Schools Appreciation Night at Coors Field on Friday, April 7th! A portion of each ticket sold will benefit the Foundation's work in Denver Public Schools. This is a great opportunity to enjoy a game at Coors Field while supporting your local community.
Friday, April 7th at 6:40pm vs. Washington Nationals
Discounted tickets starting at $15 - available online only at
2023 Colorado Association for Bilingual Education - Spanish Spelling Bee
Do you have a student who would like to compete with their amazing talent to spell words correctly in Spanish? Learn more! This competition will take place in Boulder, CO on April 15 and the deadline to register is April 3.
FREE financial coaching session with Chase Bank! April 11 from 12:30-2pm
The DPS Family & Community Engagement Office will host Chase Bank at the Southwest Community Hub inside of Johnson Elementary. This class is open to all individuals and families in the community.
Message from HS Student - Paulina Guzman
Good afternoon, College View families! My name is Paulina Guzman and for my senior project, I want to create a drug prevention program. 8th grade students will learn what addictions are, they will learn about the risks and dangers of experimenting with drugs, and will listen to guest speakers' past experiences. This program will take place the week that the students come back from spring break and will be taught during advisory and their physical education class. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or would like to opt your student out, please email me at and Ms. Thiesse at
Wolfpack Athletic Updates
Good Afternoon, CVMS Families!
Our Spring Sports seasons have started! This upcoming Spring, we are offering THREE different sports- Boys Volleyball, Flag Football (open to all boys AND girls) and Girls Soccer!
You can register your student online at In order for your student to participate in any sport, you must have the following items completed:
Completed registration form (online OR on paper)
Current physical on file at the school (this can take a while to get scheduled, so please plan ahead!)
$20 payment for the activities fee
Registration for these sports closes on Friday, March 17th!
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Rob Castanzo
Message from a HS Student- Paulina Guzman
Good afternoon, College View families! My name is Paulina Guzman and for my senior project, I want to create a drug prevention program. 8th grade students will learn what addictions are, they will learn about the risks and dangers of experimenting with drugs, and will listen to guest speakers' past experiences. This program will take place the week that the students come back from spring break and will be taught during advisory and their physical education class. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or would like to opt your student out, please email me at and Ms. Thiesse at
Community Engagement Updates
Movie Night Fundraiser for Make-A-Wish! Thursday, March 21, 4:00-5:30pm
We will have a fun and relaxing environment for our community to come together for family game night! Support the Weightlifting Club in this fundraiser - $1 per card per game. Chance to win prizes! Snacks available for purchase. High School Commons. We’ll have Lotería, Uno, Chess, FIFA on Xbox and more! All games are $1 per round per game to play! Concessions available!
Town Hall for Safer Schools - Thursday, March 23, 4-6pm
Are you concerned about school safety? Please join our Family “Town Hall” Meeting. We will come together as a school community to address some of the top concerns that our students are facing.
3:30 Food provided in Middle School Commons
4:00 Meeting begins
Sessions will discuss Traffic, Construction, Future campus plans, Community Resource Fair
5:45-6:00 Questions & Answers with School Leadership
Register to help us know how much food to order and to know if we need to have babysitting:
Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, April 4 in the Cafeteria
All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors.
Middle School 7:30-8:00 am - Mr. Graham Wynings
High School 8:10-8:40 am - Mr. Bill Knous
Coffee and donuts provided!
Family Working Group - Wednesday, April 5 - HS Conference Room 7:30-8:45am
This is a solutions and action oriented parent group! Please invite your active parents to attend!
Wolfpack Family Meeting - Thursday, April 6 - HS Room 237 5:00-6:30pm
Community partners present useful tips to our families. Admin has a chance to share updates, and families have a place to plug in, find volunteer opportunities, and support our school.
The King Soopers Community Rewards program is an easy way to donate money to your school by shopping at King Soopers! Sign up on the King Soopers website is fast and free! Just connect your Sooper Card to the program using our organization ID (EH570) and buy your regular grocery list. The school will receive 5% back. The money will be used as an established scholarship fund for students in the high school to travel out of Colorado before they graduate. Please take 5 minutes to sign up and start donating to a great cause!
Wolves in Action
Do you have a business you would like to promote? We would love to help promote our family-owned businesses through DSST: College View Newsletter, social media, sports events, and in our Business Directory? Please fill out this form with the details about your business!
Reach out to Rose Martinez for more information! or 720-263-1377
Connect with us!
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