MS Family Newsetter - March 3rd
03/03/23, 2:24 PM
College View
Middle School Newsletter
Friday, March 3, 2022
College View Middle School Front Office
Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines
Tri 2 Award Ceremony: Wednesday, March 8th
We want to invite all of our families to come to campus for our End of Tri Awards Ceremony! The event will take place from 8:00 am- 9:00 am in the high school gym.
All families are welcome to bring as many family members as you would like, and we hope your student is celebrated at the ceremony!
Spanish and Vietnamese translation will be provided
Family Teacher Conferences: March 9- March 10
Thursday, March 9th from 3:30pm-6:30pm
Friday, March 10th from 9:00am-5:30pm
Please be sure to connect with your student’s advisor and schedule a time that works for you.
Tri 2 Family Survey: March 3 - March 24
The Tri 2 Family Survey is now open!
Your feedback is incredibly valuable and helps us to continue to improve and grow.
CLICK HERE to complete the survey
Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager
Director’s Note from the Middle School:
Dear College View Middle School Families,
Thanks so much for helping us keep our students safe in the morning by bringing students on time between 7:15-7:30. We have seen a big improvement in student safety during arrival. Yesterday, there were about 30-40 students waiting by the front doors around 7:10. Please continue to bring students as close to 7:15 as possible to avoid any issues around safety in the morning.
I am continuing to gather feedback from families around our new school times next year of 8:55-9:25. If you’d like to share feedback, please complete this quick survey.
Quick Announcement: The university building next door has experienced some theft in the evening time from the Loretto Heights University building. There will be an armed guard on campus in the evening hours after school to ensure that the building adjacent to our school is safe and there is no more theft or trespassing. If you have any questions about this specifically, please reach out to me.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Graham Wynings, School Director
GIRLS ON THE RUN Coming this Spring, we have a new opportunity for ALL GIRLS at CVMS! Girls On The Run is BACK, and this year we are offering the "Heart & Sole" program, which is open to all girls grades 6-8.
Registration is open NOW! For more information about the program go to (Also available in Spanish)
What is Girls On The Run? Girls will be inspired to a lifetime of self-respect and a healthy lifestyle through an innovative program that combines running with fun games and activities. This program promotes individual achievement and self-confidence. Girls gain self-esteem and learn healthy lifestyle habits while training for a 5K run/walk race. Open to all 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls.
In this program, your daughter will...
- Understand that she has a place in her community
- Develop a strong sense of identity
- Learn how to give and receive support in a group
- Gain confidence to stand up for herself and others
- Improve her self-confidence and body image
- Complete a 5K run/walk event in the community
SELF-DEFENSE WORKSHOPS are coming to the CV Campus in April & May
Learning self-defense is important because you develop an important skill that can benefit you if you are in danger, which can happen when you least expect it. We are bringing in trauma-informed instructors from IMPACT Colorado to provide foundational skills in self-defense. All classes are free to the College View communities through a grant won by Nohemi Torres, a junior at the high school!
Spaces are limited so spots will be filled on a first-come first-served basis. You will be put on a wait list if all spots are filled for the session that you are interested in, and will be contacted if someone cancels their registration in the original list. Look for the registration link next week!
Wolfpack Athletic Updates
Boys Basketball
Our season is coming to an end already! Currently, our Wolves are tied for 1st in the league! Please come out to support our Boys Basketball teams this season. Our home games are on the following dates:
Friday, March 3rd @ 4:30 & 6:30
Wednesday, March 8th @ 4:30
Good Afternoon, CVMS Families!
Our Spring Sports seasons are starting soon! This upcoming Spring, we will be offering THREE different sports- Boys Volleyball, Flag Football (open to all boys AND girls) and Girls Soccer!
You can register your student online at In order for your student to participate in any sport, you must have the following items completed:
Completed registration form (online OR on paper)
Current physical on file at the school (this can take a while to get scheduled, so please plan ahead!)
$20 payment for the activities fee
Our first practices and team tryouts will begin the week of March 13th!
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Rob Castanzo
Community Engagement Updates
Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, March 14
All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors.
Middle School 7:30-8:00 am - Mr. Graham Wynings
High School 8:10-8:40 am - Mr. Bill Knous
Coffee and donuts provided!
Wolfpack Family Meeting - March 16 from 5:00-6:30 pm
Formerly known as the College View Parent Pack (CVPP), we have revamped this Family Meeting space!
Once per month, our Middle and High School Staff will come together with our Wolfpack Families to talk about important events and updates on campus.
We will host community organizations to share information with our families in hope that you walk away from each meeting with new knowledge or skills that you can put to use!
All Families are welcome to drop in to any of these meetings and we encourage families to share their voices and opinions.
Meetings will be on Thursdays in the High School, room 237, from 5:00-6:30pm. Those that are unable to attend in person will have the option to join virtually through Zoom. We will send out the Zoom link in advance of the meeting.
Movie Night Fundraiser for Make-A-Wish! Thursday, March 21, 4:00-5:30pm
We will have a fun and relaxing environment for our community to come together for family game night! Support the Weightlifting Club in this fundraiser - $1 per card per game. Chance to win prizes! Snacks available for purchase. High School Commons. We’ll have Lotería, Uno, Chess, FIFA on Xbox and more! All games are $1 per round per game to play! Concessions available!
Town Hall for Safer Schools - Thursday, March 23, 4-6pm
Are you concerned about school safety? Please join our Family “Town Hall” Meeting. We will come together as a school community to address some of the top concerns that our students are facing.
3:30 Food provided in Middle School Commons
4:00 Meeting begins
Sessions will discuss Traffic, Construction, Future campus plans, Community Resource Fair
5:45-6:00 Questions & Answers with School Leadership
Register to help us know how much food to order and to know if we need to have babysitting:
The King Soopers Community Rewards program is an easy way to donate money to your school by shopping at King Soopers! Sign up on the King Soopers website is fast and free! Just connect your Sooper Card to the program using our organization ID (EH570) and buy your regular grocery list. The school will receive 5% back. The money will be used as an established scholarship fund for students in the high school to travel out of Colorado before they graduate. Please take 5 minutes to sign up and start donating to a great cause!
Wolves in Action
Do you have a business you would like to promote? We would love to help promote our family-owned businesses through DSST: College View Newsletter, social media, sports events, and in our Business Directory? Please fill out this form with the details about your business!
Reach out to Rose Martinez for more information! or 720-263-1377
Connect with us!
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