CVMS Family Newsletter 12/16
12/16/22, 9:31 AM
College View
Middle School Newsletter
Friday, December 16, 2022
College View Middle School Front Office
Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines
Winter Break 12/19-1/3
Winter Break is this Monday December 9th. Student will return from winter break on Wednesday, January 4th
Access Testing 1/11-1/12
The attendance of English Language Learners and Multilingual learners is extremely important on these days.
Students who are absent will miss class to make up any testing that was missed.
Early Dismissal 1/12
Students will have an early dismissal on January 12th due to testing.
Students must be picked up promptly at 11:30. They can remain on campus under supervision until 11:45.
Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager
Director’s Note:
Dear Wolfpack Families,
Happy Holidays! We are very excited for you and your families to have some time to celebrate the Holidays and ring in the New Year together. We look forward to having you back in classes on January 4th at 7:30!
Graham Wynings, School Director
Wolfpack Athletic Updates
Shout out to our girls basketball team for wrapping up another great season! Our wolves fell short in the playoffs, but they grew so much over the short season, and we already can’t wait for next year!
Boys Basketball registration is officially open! You can register your student online here: OR you can come pick up a paper copy in at the Front Desk in the Middle School. Please remember that in order for any student to compete in a school team sport, they must complete the following:
Registration Form (online or paper copy)
Submit a copy of a current physical
Pay the $20 sports registration fee
Spring sports registration will be here before you know it! Registration for the following sports will open on Monday, February 13th:
Boys Volleyball
Flag Football (Coed)
Girls Soccer
Attention 8th grade Families! DSST: College View High School invites you to their upcoming Open House on Thursday, January 19 at 5:30pm. If you plan to attend DSST: College View High School, please plan to attend the Open House
For more information, []
CV Toy Drive!
Wolves, thanks to your generosity, we were able to help over 115 children from nearly 50 different families from the College View Community! Your kindness contributed to gifts, holiday supplies and grocery store gift cards for families who truly need the help. We appreciate your participation, and the families you've assisted are even more grateful. THANK YOU!! If you would still like to make a donation, the online fundraising platform is open for another week. All donations will continue to go toward supporting families in need. Click here or scan the QR code.
Community Engagement Updates
Coffee with Directors - Wednesday, January 11
All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors.
Middle School 7:30-8:00 am - Mr. Graham Wynings
High School 8:10-8:40 am - Mr. Bill Knous
Coffee and donuts provided!
College Night + Wolfpack Family Meeting January 12 - 5:00-6:30pm
We hope to see a large turnout from families of all grades to learn more about the college process. Our Wolfpack Family meeting will be hosting Liberty Taxes as well as the experts from our College team. You will learn more about what you can start do now for the college process, including, scholarships, finance tips, and planning for the future. We will have a tax expert available to answer any questions.
The King Soopers Community Rewards program is an easy way to donate money to your school by shopping at King Soopers! Sign up on the King Soopers website is fast and free! Just connect your Sooper Card to the program using our organization ID (EH570) and buy your regular grocery list. The school will receive 5% back. The money will be used as an established scholarship fund for students in the high school to travel out of Colorado before they graduate. Please take 5 minutes to sign up and start donating to a great cause!
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