DSST: College View Middle School

Family Newsletter 12/2

12/02/22, 11:27 AM

College View

Middle School Newsletter

Friday, December 2, 2022

College View Middle School Front Office

Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines

iReady Testing: 12/5-12/6

  • Students will be taking their iReady assessments on Monday, December 5th and Tuesday, December 6th. This assessment is extremely important and helps teachers track student’s progress.

  • Students will be released at their regular scheduled time 7:30am-3:00pm 

End of Tri Awards Ceremony! 12/8 

  • We want to invite all of our families to come to campus for our End of Tri Awards Ceremony!

  •  The event will take place from 8:15am- 9:15am in the high school gym. All families are welcome!   

Dental Sealant 12/12-12/16

  • The Dental Sealant program will be at CVMS! This program provides free screenings, fluoride, and sealants. Parents or guardians must sign a dental sealant consent form for their child to participate. Contact the front office for any questions! 

  • If you are interested in having your child participate click here or fill out the paper copy at the front office! 


Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager

Director’s Note: 

Dear Wolfpack Families,

Please look out for a separate letter from the College View School Directors later today. In that letter we are communicating what we heard from the Family Survey, and how we are responding to your feedback. That will go out later this afternoon Friday, 12.2! 


Graham Wynings, School Director 

Wolfpack Athletic Updates

  • Shout out to our girls basketball team for getting their first win of the season this week at home vs. Addenbrooke!! Our girls season wraps up next week as we have the playoff tournament on Saturday, 12/10 at DSST: Green Valley Ranch. 

  • Boys Basketball registration opens in TEN DAYS!! Starting on Monday, 12/12, you can register your student for Boys Basketball on our family ID website. More information coming soon from Mr. Castanzo! 


Do you know a family looking for a school for next year? DSST: College View Middle School invites all prospective families to come to meet us and learn more about our school at our upcoming Open Houses. The next one will be Saturday, December 3 at 11am. For more information, please visit the Open House page of our website. [https://www.dsstpublicschools.org/college-view-middle-school/enrollment


Club Q Shooting Healing Space for LGBTQ+ folks and allies

On December 15th, 7pm East High School will host a Club Q Processing and Healing space for LGBTQ+ folks and allies. Students, families, and staff can sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/3ftszudf 

Reach out to our School Social Worker, James Calvet, with questions: james.calvet@scienceandtech.org 

Culture Day

On Thursday, December 8th, we are having a whole school culture day! On this day we will not have a regular class schedule, but we will still start school at our regular time (7:30am) and dismiss at 3pm. Instead of classes, we will be having our Trimester 1 Awards Ceremony, our field trip to Skate City, and more fun whole school activities.

We want to invite all of our families to come to campus for our End of Tri Awards Ceremony! The event will take place from 8:15am- 9:15am in the high school gym. All families are welcome to bring as many family members as you would like, and we hope your student is celebrated at the ceremony! 

Please also be sure to sign your student’s permission slip for the field trip to Skate City; without a signed slip, students will not be permitted to attend the field trip and will be asked to get picked up from school.

If you have any questions regarding our whole school culture day next Thursday, 12/8, please reach out to Rob Castanzo at robert.castanzo@scienceandtech.org


CV Toy Drive!


Good Afternoon, Wolves!! 

We are SO happy to finally be getting the information for our toy drive in front of you! We are now 100% up and ready for you to select children/ families to sponsor, and to make a financial donation to the cause. Please see below for further details about how to get involved! 

  • Sponsoring a family, or just a single child:

    • View this spreadsheet: Toy Drive Sponsor Hub 

    • Put your name & email address next to family/ child you would like to sponsor

    • In each row you can see what the parents/ guardians have requested. If you need further details, please contact me directly! 

  • All gifts are due by EOD Monday 12/12, or by 3pm on Tuesday 12/13 if you wish to wrap them yourselves

    • If you don’t feel like wrapping, that’s more than ok! We have volunteers willing to help wrap the gifts you buy for you

    • If you live for wrapping presents and want to help with that, then you can join us on Monday, 12/12 in the MS Commons from 4-5pm!

    • When you are labeling gifts, please just label them with a post-it or a label for the family number and the letter for the child. 

      • EX: Label/ note would read: “12A”

  • If you don’t have time to purchase gifts, you can make a financial donation to the cause! This money is used to purchase gifts for unsponsored families/ children & to purchase gift cards for families in the community who need the extra help during the holiday season. Here is the page to make a donation:

THANK YOU, WOLVES! Let’s go make a difference for the members of our pack that need it the most. Thank you in advance for all of your generosity and engagement with the toy drive, and Happy Holidays 


 Community Engagement Updates

Lotería Night December 6, 4-6pm

The tradition continues! Lotería Night is back! We will have a fun and relaxing environment for our community to come together for family game night! Support the GSA Club in this fundraiser - $1 per card per game. Chance to win prizes! Snacks available for purchase. High School Commons.


Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, December 13 

All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors.

  • Middle School 7:30-8:00 am - Mr. Graham Wynings

  • High School 8:10-8:40 am - Mr. Bill Knous

Coffee and donuts provided!


Wolfpack Family Night - Cookie Decorating Party - Tuesday, December 13 

Join us before our winter break for a night of holiday fun! On Tuesday, December 13th from 3:30-5:00pm, we are going to meet in the commons of the Middle School to decorate cookies and enjoy the spirit of the holidays. In addition to that, we will have the pick up event for our annual Toy Drive!


The King Soopers Community Rewards program is an easy way to donate money to your school by shopping at King Soopers! Sign up on the King Soopers website is fast and free! Just connect your Sooper Card to the program using our organization ID (EH570) and buy your regular grocery list. The school will receive 5% back. The money will be used as an established scholarship fund for students in the high school to travel out of Colorado before they graduate. Please take 5 minutes to sign up and start donating to a great cause!

Wolves in Action


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