DPS Club Q Community Gathering for Healing
11/30/22, 2:56 PM
Good afternoon Wolfpack,
You all may already know about the tragedy that took place at Club Q in Colorado Springs on Saturday, November 20th. This heartbreaking event inspired East high school's QSA to plan a DPS-specific event to talk, connect, and heal. This event will take place tomorrow, Thursday, December 1 from 5-7PM at the East HS Library.
Please see the attached flyer to share with your students. There is a QR code on the flyer to register. This is so we have an idea of how many people to expect, it is not required to attend.
If you have a student who would like to register and cannot access the QR, here is the link.
This is a community gathering, not a DPS-sponsored event. It is open to LGBTQ+ students, staff, and allies and is for DPS folks only. There will be an opening and closing speaker with small group discussions.
We hope this information reaches you and is helpful in finding community in this difficult time.
With respect,
James Calvet SWC
School Social Worker
DSST College View MS
Attachment: 16698453415540_Club_Q_Healing_gathering_12.1