DSST: College View Middle School

Thank you from DSST!

11/22/22, 8:15 AM

DSST Families,

To kick off this month’s newsletter, I wanted to share my sincerest gratitude with all of you. Thank you for trusting us with your student(s) and for working with us as we progress through the school year. 

In this edition, you will find a gratitude post with some quotes from our students and staff members on why they are grateful for DSST.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and get to spend some much-needed time away from work and with loved ones.

With gratitude, 

Bill Kurtz, DSST CEO

Network happenings

Community Connection

Meet Yesica Escalante:

My name is Yesica Escalante and I am the Community Engagement Manager for DSST: Elevate Northeast Campus. Having grown up in Montbello, I am honored to have landed a job that allows me to work with the community and give back. My role allows me to be the connector between community members, our families and the school. I strive to have our school be a safe space for everyone. I want to empower our families to use their voices and I want to elevate the voices of local organizations that make our neighborhood great. I am here to help create a legacy with Elevate and I hope to do it with everyone in the community. If you would like to get in touch with me you can email me at Yesica.escalante@scienceandtech.org.

Read more about our Community Engagement Managers and their work here. You can also find community resources and other useful information.

Showing Gratitude

Resources & Reminders

Calendars for the 2022-23 school year can be downloaded here.

Donate to DSST

Why give to DSST Public Schools? Since 2004, we have been dedicated to changing perceptions of what is possible for Colorado public school students. DSST Public Schools transforms urban public education by eliminating educational inequity and preparing all students for success in college and the 21st century. DSST is committed to ensuring that the outcomes of DSST students are high-achieving and do not correlate with any predictable social or cultural factors. This is achieved through interrupting inequitable practices, examining biases and other root causes of inequities, and actively valuing diversity and inclusion. It is with the support of our dedicated partners, DSST is able to continue providing a world-class education focused on building powerful learning communities centered on Core Values within an integrated STEM school model. Click here to donate

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