Family Newsletter- Nov 11
11/11/22, 9:01 AM
College View
Middle School Newsletter
Friday, November 11, 2022
College View Middle School Front Office
Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines
Picture Day Retakes:
Students who need to take their picture can dress down
To place an order go to
End of Tri Award Ceremony
December 8th, 2022
Join us for our End of Tri Award Ceremony from 8:15-9:15 am at the Gym
IA Testing:
Students will be taking their IAs next Thursday, November 17 - Friday, November 18. These exams are extremely important to informing teachers and students about their academic progress and needs. These are also the final assessments for Trimester One.
- Early release on these days. Students must be picked up promptly at 11:30am
SketchBooks for Art
Reminder: All 8th grade students need a Sketchbook for Art this upcoming trimester
Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager
Wolfpack Athletic Updates
Our Girls Basketball season is underway! This season we are so lucky to have both an A Team and a B Team, and we can’t wait to watch how much our girls develop as players over the next few weeks.
We have two home games coming up where you can come support our girls!
Friday, 11/18 @ 4:30
Tuesday, 11/29 @ 4:30
Registration for Boys Basketball will open on Monday, December 12th!
Tryouts will occur following Winter Break
CV Toy Drive!
Our annual Toy Drive is back! We are so excited to be doing this again for our community, and we hope that more people than ever participate. Whether you are in need of help getting gifts for your family this year, or you are looking to help out families by making a donation, there is room for you to participate! To start, please fill out this brief survey: More information about the toy drive will be communicated in the near future. Thank you in advance, and we can’t wait to help as many families as possible!
Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, December 13
All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors.
Middle School 7:30-8:00 am - Mr. Graham Wynings
High School 8:10-8:40 am - Mr. Bill Knous
Coffee and donuts provided!
Wolfpack Family Night - Cookie Decorating Party - Tuesday, December 13
Join us before our winter break for a night of holiday fun! On Tuesday, December 13th from 3:30-5:00pm, we are going to meet in the commons of the Middle School to decorate cookies and enjoy the spirit of the holidays. In addition to that, we will have the pick up event for our annual Toy Drive!
The King Soopers Community Rewards program is an easy way to donate money to your school by shopping at King Soopers! Sign up on the King Soopers website is fast and free! Just connect your Sooper Card to the program using our organization ID (EH570) and buy your regular grocery list. The school will receive 5% back. The money will be used as an established scholarship fund for students in the high school to travel out of Colorado before they graduate. Please take 5 minutes to sign up and start donating to a great cause!
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