DSST: College View Middle School

DSST Family Survey Results: What We Heard and Next

11/11/22, 8:15 AM

Dear DSST Families, 

Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback with us during the Tri One Family Survey. We have been awed by the amount of participation from you all.  We received 3,042 responses to the Family Survey. This means that you, DSST families, gave us approximately 355 hours of your collective time to share your feedback and concerns. We truly appreciate your time and thoughts, and we are taking the time to review each response.

Tri One Family Survey by the numbers:

  • 49% of DSST households participated.
  • There were over 7,000 comments.
  • The survey was taken in five languages.
  • On average, nine out of 10 families would recommend DSST to a friend or family member.

What we heard is going well: 

  • Families feel welcomed at their DSST school. We know you are our greatest partners in fulfilling our mission of giving every child a world-class education, and it’s important that you feel welcome at our schools.
  • Students like being at school, and families agree that our schools create an environment that helps students learn. It is incredibly important for students to like being at school. We know students cannot learn and grow in an environment where they do not feel comfortable.
  • Families agree that DSST and their DSST school cares about their students’ well-being. With the human condition at the center of all we do, we are thrilled to know that this is felt by our students and families.

Where we heard mixed results:

  • We received feedback that some schools have more work to do to help students feel safe. This includes addressing the national issue of bullying, as well as addressing traffic patterns at several of our schools. We agree that students’ physical and mental and emotional safety are paramount. Thank you for sharing ways your students are impacted so we can work to improve and address those concerns.
  • We also heard that families are not clear on the various STEM and Arts offerings at our campuses. Knowing what is available to your students is crucial. Please see this website for information on what is offered at your DSST school in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and the Arts.

It takes an invested and robust community to ensure we fulfill our mission at each of our campuses. Listening and responding to your feedback is a key part of that investment. Our leadership is currently reviewing all of your responses. 

In the following weeks, your school will share specific feedback they heard from you and action steps they are taking. For those who did not have a chance to participate this time, be on the lookout for our next family survey in March. You will see the same questions in that survey because we want to make sure we see improvement over the course of the year. 

Thank you again for your support and willingness to help make DSST the best place for all students.


In partnership, 

Danielle Felder

Chief External Affairs Officer

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