DSST: College View Middle School

Family Newsletter- Oct 21

10/21/22, 10:01 AM

College View

Middle School Newsletter

Friday, October 21, 2022


College View Middle School Front Office

Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines

Halloween Dance:

  • October 27th from 3:00-4:30pm 

  • CVMS will host our annual Halloween Dance from 3:00-4:30pm – $1 entrance fee. The dance is for middle school students only. Please pick up your student at 4:30 (no later than 4:45) at the middle school entrance. 

No School

  • There is no school for students on Oct 28th. The Front Office will also be closed. 

  • HS will be at a normal schedule 

Family Engagement Survey Deadline

  • Please complete the Family Engagement Survey before Oct 28th 

Trunk or Treat!! 

  • Sunday, Oct 30, 2-5pm

  • CV graduates will partner with us to bring a Trunk or Treat to our campus! 

  • Free! Costumes encouraged but not required


Joseline Flores, Front Office Manager

Family Engagement Survey 

The Trimester 1 Family Survey is now available! We value your feedback and would love to hear from you on how the school year is going for you and your students. Please complete it before October 28!

Families that complete the survey will....

  • *First fifty families that complete the survey will* receive FREE tickets to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science for the whole family!

  • Be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of three $100 amazon gift cards

  • In addition, the Advisory in each grade level that has the most surveys completed, will win an Advisory Breakfast!

**Students! Return the signed form to your Advisor once the survey is finished to receive these incentives**


The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete and it can be completed Here:  https://dsst.info/TriOneFamilySurvey22  




Come Help Us Grow the College View Garden

We will be in the garden every Wednesday from 1:30-5:00pm and the first Saturday of each month! 

contact: schuyler.fishman@scienceandtech.org or call/text 303-868-8893


Family Working Groups - Wednesday, October 26, 

Do you have ideas and possible solutions you would like to present to the school administration? Join our Family working group! Families meet in the High School Conference room from 7:30-8:45am every other Wednesday.


Coffee with Directors - Tuesday, November 1 

All families are invited and encouraged to attend our informal meetings with the School Directors in the cafeteria.

  • Middle School 7:30-8:00 am - Mr. Graham Wynings

  • High School 8:10-8:40 am - Mr. Bill Knous

Coffee and donuts provided!


Wolfpack Family Meeting - Thursday, November 3 

Questions about the construction on campus? The land developers will be at our November meeting to answer questions, share plans for the construction site, and give updates. Your voice and opinion are important! Please attend in person if you can. A Zoom link will be sent out one day prior to the meeting.

Please submit questions for the land developers ahead of time here: https://forms.gle/zeQgUMQ8r3xqLVC6A 


Connect with us!



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