DSST: College View Middle School

Please take the DSST Tri 1 Family Survey!

10/13/22, 7:44 AM

We hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Fall Break. With two months of school already behind us, we want to hear from you!

One of the most valuable ways we can improve over the course of this year is to hear from you, our parents and families. We are committed to hearing your feedback on what is working well for you and your students, as well as areas that may need improvement. Each trimester, we send out a comprehensive network survey to gather your input. Our Trimester One survey is now open. Please take a few minutes to let us know how the first trimester is going for your student and family. 

  • Click here to take the survey.

  • The survey window runs from today, October 13, through the end of the day Friday October 28. 

  • The survey covers a variety of topics including communication and engagement, student experience and school operations. We also want your input on DSST’s long-term priorities in the next 3-5 years. 

  • The survey should take approximately 5-7 minutes per school to complete.

  • Families can choose to share their contact information or remain anonymous.

  • We value the voices of all of our families and have made the survey available in 9 languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Amharic, Vietnamese, Tigrigna, Somali, Nepali and French. Click your preferred language on the top right hand side of the survey (see below).

We know surveys take time and we appreciate the time it takes you to share your thoughts with us.

We deeply value our partnership with you, our families, and look forward to hearing your feedback. Thank you for taking the Trimester 1 DSST Family Survey!


DSST Public Schools