09/16 Family Newsletter
09/16/22, 3:16 PM
College View
Whole School Newsletter
Friday, September 16, 2022
College View Middle School Front Office
Middle School Calendar & Upcoming Deadlines
- Huge Celebration: CVMS Attendance has been over 92% in the last week. We are striving for 94% attendance this year at CVMS, because we cannot engage your students and achieve the growth we need for them if they are not in school. Thank you so much Parents/Guardians for making this possible!! Let’s keep up the good work!
- Reminder: if your student will be absent for the day, please notify the front office at (303)524-6320
October Count:
- We would like to remind families that the Official October Count Day is on Monday, October 3rd . October Count is the official student membership headcount for all Colorado public school districts. When students are enrolled, scheduled and in attendance as of the official count day, the district receives an average of $8,400 in per pupil operating revenue. The revenue that schools receive help with student activities, field trips, equipment, supplies and much more. Please support us in ensuring that your student is present for October Count Day. Reach out to the Front Office with any questions or concerns at 303-524-6320. Thank you!
Picture Day: September 30th
- CVMS will be having a Dress Up Day. All students are encouraged to wear their best outfits!!
- More information to come.
Front Office Manager: Joseline Flores
Director’s Note from the Middle School:
College View Middle Families,
As noted above, we are making progress with our student attendance. It is critical that your students are at school every day, because we have a lot of work to do to get your students caught up and ready for success in high school. When students are absent, they miss valuable learning opportunities and fall behind in their work. We appreciate your support and thank you SO much for making sure that your students are at school every day!
In our Tuesday Coffee with the Director, we heard concerns from families about trash on campus. Our campus grounds are a representation of who we are as a community, and we are disappointed with the amount of trash on the grounds. We have spoken to our student athletes about trash on our packtime field, and they are going to help us work to make sure that space is clean. In our WIN STEM lesson last week, we started enlisting the help of students to create a plan around how we can solve this problem. We will update you on that plan, and any actions we will take to keep our campus clean. We must build more school pride, because we think if students have pride in their school--they will choose not to throw trash on the ground and even pick up trash when they see it to demonstrate our core values and school pride. For any students that we see littering, we will have them conduct community service as a natural consequence. Please talk to your students about the importance of keeping our campus clean and encourage them to help us with this push.
Graham Wynings, School Director
Wolfpack Athletic Updates
- Boys Soccer has 2 home games coming up!
- 9/20 & 9/28 (Homecoming Game!)
- Cross Country: first meet on 9/27!
- Cheerleading: Started this week! Practices will be every Tuesday & Thursday from 3:45-4:30 in the cafeteria.
- Girls Volleyball has 1 more home game NEXT MONDAY 9/19!
- Registration for Girls Basketball will open on Monday, 9/19!
Join our Schoolpool program to connect with other families to drive, walk or bike to school together
- "Looking for help getting your student to and from school?
- Need a ride for the days your student has afterschool activities?
- Want to make new friends on the way to school?
DSST College View High School is pleased to partner with Schoolpool, a FREE program to make it easier to get to school.
Signing up is simple!
- Using a computer (not a smart phone or tablet), create an account and enter your address or intersection here: https://mywaytogo.org/s/schoolpool-dsst-cocfb18 (Your information will only be shared with same school families. To maintain the highest level of privacy and security, each school’s registration link is unique.)
- Add comments to indicate interest, such as “can provide morning rides in exchange for afternoon rides,” “student is in after-school activities,” or “looking for a walk buddy in the mornings.”
- Find and contact interested DSST College View High School families in your neighborhood or along your drive to/from school.
The more families that register, the more likely you are to find good matches. Even if your family doesn’t need a ride, consider signing up to drive other students. Your participation builds a stronger community for DSST College View.
Any questions? Contact james.calvet@scienceandtech.org
Middle School Clubs & Activities Schedule:
Community Engagement Updates
Back to School Night!! September 22, 2022 from 4:30-6:00pm
Families! We have heard your feedback, and we are creating a space for you to connect with the teachers of your students. This is a time for you to talk to teachers and advisors face to face, check in on students progress, and to get to know more about your student's schedule and the school year ahead! We hope to have 100% attendance from our families. Let us know if you plan to come by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/e4VRfnBgznjytRko9. See you there!
10 Year Anniversary Celebration: September 30, 2022 from 3:00-6:30pm
On Friday, September 30th we are having a community event to celebrate the 10th anniversary of College View Middle School! We will have food trucks, games, interactive experiences, community vendors, and LIVE MUSIC from the famous Denver band “Los Mocochetes”! The celebration will start right after school at 3pm, so please come out, get some delicious food, and listen to great music!
Car Show Fundraiser
The King Soopers Community Rewards program is an easy way to donate money to your school by shopping at King Soopers! Sign up on the King Soopers website is fast and free! Just connect your Sooper Card to the program using our organization ID (EH570) and buy your regular grocery list. The school will receive 5% back. The money will be used as an established scholarship fund for students in the high school to travel out of Colorado before they graduate. Please take 5 minutes to sign up and start donating to a great cause!
Connect with us!
https://www.dsstpublicschools.org | Download the ReachWell App