DSST: College View Middle School

January Return to School Update

12/31/21, 3:18 PM

Dear DSST families,

We hope you’ve had a healthy and joyful winter break and are ready to head into the new year! It’s amazing how much things can change in less than two weeks, and we want to provide an update on our plans for returning to school next week. We have been in close communication with Denver and Aurora Public Schools, as well as our health and safety partners in Denver, Aurora and the state, as COVID-19 rates have increased due to the Omicron variant. With the strong health and safety measures we have in place, we are planning to return to in-person learning as planned after winter break. Please check your school calendar for your school’s return date, which will be either Tuesday, January 4, or Wednesday, January 5.

DSST continues to hold the health and safety of our students and community as our top priority. And we also deeply value the importance of in-person learning for our students. Families can do the following to protect our community, stay healthy and support our efforts to continue to provide in-person learning:

  • If you haven’t already, please get yourself and your student vaccinated. The COVID-19 vaccine is now available for everyone ages 5 and older. 
  • We strongly encourage everyone who is eligible to get a booster shot if you haven’t already.
  • Community members should get regular COVID tests to help stop the spread. Tests are available through COVIDCheck Colorado sites across the city, or you can use at-home tests, which can be ordered for free here
  • Ensure your student has a tight fitting mask and knows the importance of wearing the mask over their mouth and nose at all times around other students when inside. We recommend wearing a KN-95 or double masking if possible as well.
  • Please keep your student home if they are sick or if they have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. 

We will continue to provide updates and resources as we have them. We are committed to providing in-person learning for our students as long as it is safe to do so, and we will continue to work with DPS, APS and our health and safety partners to ensure we are providing a safe learning environment for our students.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. I continue to be grateful that you have entrusted DSST with the opportunity to educate your child(ren). 

Thank you for your partnership,

Bill Kurtz