School on Friday Nov. 19
11/18/21, 9:33 AM
Dear DSST families,
Denver Public Schools will have a wellness day Friday, Nov. 19, so there will be no school that day. Because DSST already had a wellness day, and we have high school final exams, DSST will be in school. Again, DSST does have school on Friday, Nov. 19. Your child is expected to be in school that day.
It is important that your child is in school that day to finish the trimester strong! This is our last day of school before the Thanksgiving break, and final exams and testing will be wrapping up on Friday. High school students will be taking their math exams that day, so it is crucial that they be in school.
We apologize for any confusion. As a reminder, DSST follows our own calendar, which differs from DPS’ occasionally. You can view the calendar for the 2021-22 school year here.
Thank you for your understanding.
DSST Public Schools