McMeen Elementary

Message from Principal Hinman 1/30/24

01/30/24, 1:55 PM

January 30, 2024

Dear McMeen Elementary School Families,

I am writing to give you an update on our efforts related to the significant increase in the number of newcomer students from various countries, including Venezuela, Mexico, and Colombia. As of today, we are proudly serving nearly 700 students, a significant rise from our initial projection of 546 students for this academic year.

Please know that district officials are closely monitoring class sizes to ensure a conducive learning environment for every student. When a class approaches capacity, they explore alternative arrangements, including seeing if nearby schools can accommodate the growing numbers. DPS is actively recruiting more bilingual teachers, ensuring that our classrooms are staffed with educators who can effectively communicate with and cater to the diverse needs of our students. The district is also coordinating transportation for students currently living in hotel shelters, ensuring that transportation barriers do not hinder their access to education.

Additionally, district staff regularly visit our school, providing information on resources and engaging with our families to identify their unique needs. DPS has six community hubs, located at six of our schools. Each hub offers a range of services, including job assistance, parenting classes, food and clothing support, and English language learning opportunities.

My team and I have hired full-time paraprofessionals to provide additional support in the classroom and a new family liaison who will act as a bridge between our school and our diverse community. Furthermore, we are actively cultivating partnerships with community organizations to facilitate weekly food donations, clothing drives, and additional support services for our migrant families. These partnerships reflect our ongoing commitment to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all our students. We are also thrilled to share that the Denver Public Schools Foundation recently announced the establishment of the Newcomer Student and Family Fund. This fund provides money to schools welcoming migrant students. And, we are grateful that one donor has already committed $50,000 to assist us here at McMeen!

Thank you for your ongoing support. We are confident that with the collective efforts of our dedicated staff, engaged families, and supportive community, we will continue to provide a high-quality education and support services for all our students.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or my team directly.


Principal Hinman