McMeen Elementary

Last Nurse Miriam Message in 2023!

12/13/23, 2:52 PM

Greetings McMeen Families,

    Attendance Letters and Illness Absences: I have recieved feedback from some families that there is some confusion when it comes to making sure students are home when sick and also making sure students are present at school in compliance with federal guidlines regarding chronic absenteeism. Please know that I work closely with the Attendance Team here at McMeen and that every student's circumstances are addressed on an individual basis in terms of absences related to illnesses/health conditions. The letters that were distributed to families regarding sudent absences are one step in our goal to better inform families of the bigger picture when it comes to education and attendance. Our focus on improving attendance for our students is in no way an attempt to deter parents from keeping their student's home when they are sick and potentially congatious. For reference, please use the attached "How Sick Is Too Sick?" guidlines if you're having trouble determining if you student should attend school sick or not. Our goal is that parents are able to make more informed decisions when planning trips, scheduling doctor/dentist appointments, etc. It also may be a good idea to check in with your student's pediatrician if they are reguarly getting sick with illnesses that are keeping them out of school on a more regular basis. 

To learn more about Chronic Absenteeism, visit U.S. Department of Education website here.


 I wish all McMeen families a safe and restorative winter break and I look forward to seeing everyone in the New Year!

Thank you,

Nurse Miriam





Attachment: 17025042027910_ChildCare_How_Sick_Is_Too_Sick_vs2023.pdf

Attachment: 17025042028000_ChildCare_How_Sick_is_Too_Sick_vs2023_Spanish.pdf