McMeen Elementary

Attendance Newsletter

11/27/23, 9:23 AM


Below is our attendance newsletter including attendance data from the week of November 13-17.

Attendance GoalAt the end of the 2023-2024 school year, our overall attendance rate will be at least 89%. Our number of students who are considered chronically absent (missing 10% or more of school) will reduce to 48%.

Attendance Rate: The percent of time a student is in attendance. This is calculated based on minutes, not days. When we say our attendance rate will be at least 89%, that means the overall average percent of time students are in attendance across our school will be at least 89%.


Chronic Absenteeism:  Missing at least 10 percent of days in a school year for any reason, including excused and unexcused absences and suspensions. The focus is on the impact on academic and social emotional learning as a result of missed school attendance. When we say our number of students considered chronically absent will reduce to 48%, that means that only 48% (but preferably less) of students at McMeen will be considered chronically absent.



  • Our overall attendance as a school has increased from October to November.

  • We had 4 classes that had over 90% attendance last week

Idea of the Week:

If you have questions about your child’s attendance, please reach out to Principal Resident Lauren Bartsch at