McMeen Elementary

Response to neighborhood safety concerns

02/15/23, 3:04 PM

Dear families,

In response to the recent police activity concerns in the neighborhood, I would like to take this opportunity to address parent questions I have received. This past Monday, McMeen was not informed about the activity on the adjacent street. Typically, if there are issues involving the police in the vicinity of the school, and the security of our building is at risk, we are informed by the DPS Department of Safety and Climate. This department is also responsible for determining if we need to be on a secure perimeter or lockdown. We have heard and share your concerns and are seeking understanding from the district in regards to what criteria qualifies as a threat and triggers these types of responses for us as a school. I apologize that I do not have more specific answers to your concerns at this time, but will let you know via our family newsletter should I receive any new or different information or clarifications. 


Principal Hinman