McMeen Elementary

*** Important Health Update at McMeen ***

12/12/22, 3:23 PM

Good Afternoon McMeen Families


  We are experiencing a great increase in ill students and staff here at McMeen. Symptoms vary but many students are experiencing fevers, stomachaches, vomiting, excessive coughing and sore throats. Our pediatric units in hospitals across our city are at or above capacity with sick children. Please review the following reminders:

- If your student is sick keep them home! All of the illnesses we are seeing are all contagious and spread when individuals are in public settings when they are still sick. 

- If you have to give your student medicine in the morning to "help them through the school day" they should not be at school and should be at home.

- Students with fevers should not be at school and should not return to school until they are fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications (Tylenol, Motrin, cold/flu medication, etc.) 

- Students who have vomited and are not feeling well should not be at school.

- Masks are HIGHLY recommended for all students and staff at this time. We have pediatric masks here at the school if needed.

- Remind and practice with your children on how to wash hands after using the bathroom, before meals, after blowing noses, etc. 

- Remind and practice with your children on how to cover their coughs and sneezes (into elbow region, not hands). 

- If your student continues be sick and/or have a fever after a few days, call your pediatrician for advise. 

- Last, but not least, consider getting your student and your family the flu shot! Influenza (flu) is on the rise and causing many of our illnesses.


Please reach out with questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Nurse Miriam