McMeen Elementary


10/27/22, 7:33 AM

Wow how the weather has changed! I wanted to take this opportunity this morning to remind everyone that as a school we strongly believe in having kids outside as much as possible. We believe this provides them with far more opportunities for play and social development than our indoor recess allows. With today's colder temperatures and possible precipitation, please ensure students are dressed accordingly. As far as temperature goes, we plan to have students outside. We will bring students in should the precipitation be at a level where their clothes will get wet if they are outside in it.

Also, we have a LOT of jackets and sweaters that have been left. If your child is missing something, please take a look at the fence entering the playground, the coat rack that's outside, as well as the coat racks right inside Door 5 (labeled above the door). 

Please let me know if you have any questions about this policy. We look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Lauren Bartsch, Assistant Principal