Denison Montessori

Celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week!

05/02/23, 8:37 AM

It’s Staff Appreciation WEEK! May 1st-5th:

Hosted by Families of Denison Montessori and supported by Parents and community members.


MONDAY: Continental Breakfast donated by Einsteins & Starbucks


TUESDAY: Massages from Malia Massage  and Flowers from students. PARENTS have your Students bring a flower or plant to your child's teachers and support staff. (think teacher, para and specials staff and maybe our lovely office staff, facilities and lunch staff.)


WEDNESDAY:  Massages from Malia Massage. Thanks for their generous support: 


THURSDAY: Etais Lunch purchased by FDM courtesy of donations received from Denison families and community partners.


FRIDAY: PARENTS: please help show Denison staff appreciation by having your child/children bring a thank you card or art piece (think teacher, para and specials staff and maybe our lovely office staff, facilities and lunch staff.) Also join us for CINCO DE MAYO Celebration- come celebrate with the Denison community!


Monday-May 8th- Special Wellness day from Ms. Natalie


HELP us support Staff Appreciation WEEK with your gratitude: May 1st-5th! Remind your student to tell the staff how much they appreciate the support they provide each day. Donations accepted here: 


Support a specific classroom GO TO: 

TEACHER WISH LISTS  <<Follow the link to purchase items.This is a perfect way to gift items staff needs! The program is also funded by Denison Achieves-we collaborated with staff on Teacher Wish Lists, to have money outside the district budget with flexible use for needed classroom materials, activities and student support! 


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