Weekly Update: January 30, 2025
01/30/25, 5:01 PM
Dear Families,
We want to thank all the families who joined us online for our Black Family Celebration last Thursday. Connecting with so many families to share our Dean’s List and learn more about each other made for a wonderful evening. We look forward to our next Black Family Engagement event in March.
Twice a year our students in grades 3-5 take interim tests to see how they are progressing in math, literacy, science, and social studies. These tests help us celebrate our students and help us support them better. The test begins on Tuesday and Wednesday. You can see the full test schedule on the February calendar. We can’t wait to announce our Spring Semester Dean’s List students based on the interim testing results.
Tomorrow: Early Release at 1:00
Tomorrow school will end at 1:00 so teachers have an opportunity to engage in professional learning. Discovery Link is running a free camp that afternoon from 1:00 - 5:00.
Tomorrow: Dress Down Day
Tomorrow is Dollar Dress Down Day. Students can bring a dollar and wear clothing of their choice.
Next Friday: First Friday Coffee and Conversation & CSC Meeting
Please join us next Friday for Coffee and Conversation with the Principals. It is also a Collaborative School Committee Meeting. We will talk about the ECE choice process and next year's school budget. Everyone is welcome to join us from 8:00-8:45 in the library. Here is the CSC Agenda.
CMAS Testing in April & Opting Out
Students in grades 3-5 will take the state CMAS tests from April 8-25th. Please do not plan any appointments or vacations during this testing window. CMAS is the only statewide assessment for students in grades 3-5. It measures students' expected knowledge and abilities at the end of each grade in Math, Literacy, Social Studies, and Science. The results show if a student is performing at grade level if they are on track for the next grade and how their results compare to their peers at school and across the district and state. We encourage all students to take the test. However, families can opt out of the testing through the Parent Portal during February. Please contact the main office if you need assistance with the opt-out process.
ECE & Middle School Choice Window is Open
Barney Ford is recruiting ECE students for next year! We have space in our three-year-old and four-year-old classrooms for next year. Please help us spread the word about our amazing, safe, and fun ECE classrooms. Families interested in enrolling can talk with our office staff and learn more here.
If you have a 5th grader, it is time to submit your school application to enroll in your preferred Middle School. Learn more about the middle school choice process here.
Attendance Update
Last week our attendance inched up to 87%. The 3rd graders had the best attendance at 90.5%. Our second and fourth graders are having an attendance competition between their classes. Last week Ms. Lerma’s and Ms. Certain’s classes won.
- Friday, January 31: Dollar Dress Down Day and Early Release @ 1 PM
- February 4 & 5: Literacy Interim Assessments for Grades 3-5
- Friday, February 7:
- First Friday Coffee and Conversation and CSC meeting @ 8:00-9:00 a.m.
- 1st Grade Field Trip to Denver Museum of Nature and Science
- Thursday, February 13: Family Fun Night – Grades ECE-2
- Friday, February 14: No School – Teacher Planning Day
- Monday, February 17: No School – Presidents Day
- Tuesday, February 18: School Choice Window Closes
View the February Monthly Calendar here.