9:45 late start for students & no adult English classes tomorrow, Tuesday 1/21
01/20/25, 3:39 PM
Dear Families,
Due to the weather, we have a late start tomorrow. Classes for Barney Ford students begin at 9:45.
We will NOT have Adult English Classes tomorrow at Barney Ford, Tuesday, January 21.
The English Learning Center weather closure policy follows the Denver Public Schools. We close the school due to weather if Denver Public Schools (DPS) delays or cancels school because of severe weather conditions.
We will also post a notice on the homepage of our website https://englishlearningcenterdenver.org/ and post it on Facebook and Instagram if the school is closed due to weather. Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/people/English-Learning-Center-Denver/100048269444629/ or follow us on Instagram @elc.denver.