Weekly Update, January 16, 2025
01/16/25, 4:31 PM
Dear Families,
Thank you to all the families that joined us for the Middle School Fair, online attendance meeting, and First Friday Coffee last week. Your participation in these family events makes our community stronger. Read on to learn about two more family events this week and next that you won’t want to miss.
This week we completed our school safety drills including a lockdown, tornado, and fire drills. Practicing these drills helps prepare students and staff for staying safe and calm in an emergency. Students also started ACCESS testing to determine how well they are reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English. ACCESS results will be shared with families in May.
Tonight: Grades 3-5 Family STEM Night (5:30-7:00)
Don’t miss tonight’s Family Fun Night! Join us from 5:30-7:00 for a free pizza dinner, live animals and more! This event is for students in grades 3-5. Younger siblings are welcome to attend with their families. On February 13th, we will host another Family Fun Night for students in grades ECE-2.
No School Monday 1/20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
There is no school on Monday because it is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. DPS is celebrating MLK Day be walking together in the Marade on Monday. We are meeting at the MLK statue in City Park at 9:00. Dress warmly!
Black Family Online Celebration
We will be hosting our next Black Family Engagement meeting next Thursday, January 23. All families are welcome to attend. This event will be on Google Meet from 5:30-6:30. Together we will honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., celebrate our scholars that made the Honor Roll, and get a chance to connect with other families. We are also raffling off on a $50 gift card to Walmart!
ECE & Middle School Choice Window is Open
Barney Ford is recruiting ECE students for next year! We have space in our three-year-old and four-year-old classrooms for next year. Please help us spread the word about our amazing, safe, and fun ECE classrooms. Families interested in enrolling can talk with our office staff and learn more here.
If you have a 5th grader, it is time to submit your school application to enroll in your preferred Middle School. Learn more about the middle school choice process here.
Attendance Update
Last week our attendance was 84%, much lower than our school goal of 93%. The 5th graders had the best attendance at 86%. Our second and fourth graders are having an attendance competition between their classes. Last week Ms. Blue’s class won. Students in these grades have a chance to win free Colorado Rapids tickets. Students who miss no more than two days in January and February will get a free ticket. We’d like to see all our students at the Rapids this spring!
- Thursday, January 16: Family Fun Night, Grades 3-5
- Monday, January 20: No School for MLK Jr. Day
- Thursday, January 23: Online Black Family Engagement Meeting
- Friday, January 31: Dollar Dress Down Day and Early Release @ 1 PM
View the January Monthly Calendar here.