Weekly Update: December 12, 2024
12/12/24, 5:31 PM
Dear Families,
It is Computer Science Week at Barney Ford. Students are exploring virtual reality with VR goggles and learning more about this technology.
Many of our fourth-grade boys celebrated their achievements with the Sims-Fayola Foundation boys group. We are fortunate to have these great opportunities available to all our students.
Next week is our final school week of 2024! We have a busy and fun week planned. Please make sure your child attends school every day. We see a strong connection between good attendance and academic achievement.
Traffic Safety: No U-Turns
Please do not make U-turns in front of the school when dropping off or picking up your children. The U-turns are very dangerous and put our families at risk during these busy times. Taking extra time to drive around the block keeps everyone safer.
December 16-19: Spirit Week
Next week is Spirit Week! Join the fun!
Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Deck the Halls (holiday gear - merriest, brightest, shiniest, jingliest)
Wednesday: Calling Santa’s Helpers
(dress like Reindeer, Elf, Snowman, Santa, Mrs. Claus)
Thursday: Work It Out! You’ve been working your brains so hard. Wear your workout gear!
December 19: Early Release Day & Discovery Link Camps
Students will be dismissed at 1:00 on December 19th and there is no school on December 20th. Discovery Link is running free camps on December 20, 23 & January 2, 3, 6. The camps run from 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. at Barney Ford. Registration is required. In-person registration help is available Every Tuesday and Thursday in December from 4:30 - 6:00.
Free Activities with ELKS
Our partners are Environmental Learning for Kids (ELKS) has many free and fun activities planned over winter break. Students can go on outdoor adventures, learn about owls, fossils, and cut their own Christmas tree. Learn more here.
Sign up for Adult English Classes at Barney Ford
Registration is open for spring semester Adult English classes at Barney Ford. The class is 15 weeks, January 14 - May 15, 2025.
8-10 am - Tuesday and Thursday
Beginner-level English Class
Cost = $90 payable by cash or credit card (The price is adjusted to account for 15 weeks. Last semester was only 11 weeks)
Register using this link.
Attendance Update
Our attendance rate was 90% last week. This is one of our lowest weeks of the school year. Fifth grade took the lead at 93%.
Please do not take extended vacations during the school year. If your student misses 10 days of school in a row, they will be disenrolled and may lose their spot at Barney Ford. Plan your vacations during our winter break, December 20 through January 6. School starts up again on Tuesday, January 7th.
Upcoming Events
- December 16-19: Spirit Week
- December 19: Early release @ 1 PM
- December 20 - January 6: Winter Break
- Tuesday, January 7: Students Return to School
- Friday, January 10: First Friday Coffee and CSC Meeting
View the December Monthly Calendar here.