Weekly Update: December 5, 2024
12/05/24, 5:31 PM
Dear Families,
We have so many exciting things planned for December! Read on to learn more about tomorrow's Coffee & Conversation, Spirit Week, and more!
Our choir is performing on Sunday with the entire Denver Children’s Choir. We wish them good luck and hope they have lots of fun!
Tomorrow: First Friday Coffee and Conversation & CSC Meeting
Our December Coffee and Conversation with the principals is tomorrow from 8 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. We have a free coffee bar and the event is a great time to meet with the principals, hear about school news, ask questions, and meet other community members.
December’s meeting will be a Collaborative School Committee meeting. We will discuss enrollment, class sizes, and the upcoming budget cycle. Here is the full agenda.
Saturday, December 7: Kenzi's Causes Annual Denver Toy Shop
We are excited to announce that Kenzi's Causes will be hosting our Annual Denver Toy Shop on Saturday, December 7, 2024, at the National Western Complex. Registration will open on Thursday, December 5th at 9:00 AM via our Facebook page.
Access English Flyer Here
Access Spanish Flyer Here
December 16-19: Spirit Week
The week before winter break is Spirit Week! Join the fun!
- Monday: Pajama Day
- Tuesday: Deck the Halls (holiday gear - merriest, brightest, shiniest, jingliest)
- Wednesday: Calling Santa’s Helpers
- (dress like Reindeer, Elf, Snowman, Santa, Mrs. Claus)
- Thursday: Work It Out! You’ve been working your brains so hard. Wear your workout gear!
December 19: Early Release Day & Discovery Link Camps
Students will be dismissed at 1:00 on December 19th and there is no school on December 20th. Discovery Link is running free camps on December 20, 23 & January 2, 3, 6. The camps run from 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. at Barney Ford. Registration is required. In-person registration help is available Every Tuesday and Thursday in December from 4:30-6:00.
Free Days
Many museums and cultural sites around Denver have free days in December. Check out these sites with your families. More information here
- 12/04 Buffalo Bill Museum & Grave
- 12/05 Historic Denver/Molly Brown House Museum
- 12/08 Denver Museum of Nature & Science
- 12/08 Highlands Ranch Concert Band
- 12/10 Denver Art Museum
- 12/12 City of Aurora Open Space & Natural Resources
- 12/13 Mizel Institute
Attendance Update
Our attendance rate was 92% last week. This is lower than our school goal of 93%. We have an attendance contest starting next week. The class with the best attendance at each grade level will get a pizza part on December 19th! Please send your students to school every day in December to support their learning and growth.
Please do not take extended vacations during the school year. If your student misses 10 days of school in a row, they will be disenrolled and may lose their spot at Barney Ford. Plan your vacations during our winter break, December 20 through January 6. School starts up again on Tuesday, January 7th.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, December 11: Kindergarten Field Trip to DCTA
- Friday, December 13: Dollar Dress Down Day
- December 16-19: Spirit Week
- December 19: Early release day.
- December 23 - January 6: Winter Break
- Tuesday, January 7: Students Return to School
View the December Monthly Calendar here.