Weekly Update: November 21, 2024
11/21/24, 5:19 PM
Dear Families,
It was wonderful seeing so many of you at our Thanksgiving lunch yesterday. We hope you enjoyed the meal and spending lunchtime with your child. We want to extend our appreciation to the lunchroom staff and all the other staff members who helped make the event a success. We wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving break.
Tomorrow: Dress Down Day
Tomorrow is Dollar Dress Down Day. Students can bring a dollar and wear clothing of their choice.
Lost Something?
Our Lost and Found is overflowing with jackets, hats, gloves, and more. Please stop by the school if your child is missing any items.
Thanksgiving Break: November 25-29
There is no school the week of November 25-29. Discover Link is providing free camps at Barney Ford on Monday and Tuesday. Pre-registration is required for the camps. Contact ARIANA RODRIGUEZ to register. School resumes on Monday, December 2nd.
December 6: First Friday Coffee and Conversation & CSC Meeting
Our December Coffee and Conversation with the principals will be on Friday, December 6th. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. We have a free coffee bar and the event is a great time to meet with the principals, hear about school news, ask questions, and meet other community members.
December’s meeting will be a Collaborative School Committee meeting. We will discuss enrollment, class sizes, and the upcoming budget cycle. Here is the full agenda.
Attendance Update
Last week our attendance reached an all-time high of 94%! Fifth grade had the best attendance at almost 95%! Please send your students to school every day in December to support their learning and growth. Plan your vacations during our winter break, December 23 through January 6. School starts up again on Tuesday, January 7th.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, November 22: Dollar Dress Down
- Monday - Friday, November 25-29: No School, Thanksgiving Break
- December 23 - January 6: Winter Break
- Tuesday, January 7: Students Return to School
View the December Monthly Calendar here.