Weekly Update: November 14, 2024
11/14/24, 5:31 PM
Dear Families,
Thank you for making our Book Fair a great success! We hope you found interesting books for your children. Proceeds from the sale help us buy more books for our classrooms.
Next week is a regular week of school before Thanksgiving Break. Please ensure your children attend Monday - Friday so they don’t miss out on any learning. Every day matters.
Wednesday: Thanksgiving Family Lunch
Wednesday, November 20th is our Thanksgiving Family Lunch. You can join your students for a special meal in the cafe. Reach out to the office for the price and more information.
Thursday: Black Family Engagement Event
Everyone is welcome to join us for our second Black Family Event of the school year. We will meet in the library on November 21st from 3:00-4:00 to discuss student mental health. Childcare is provided and we will have pizza afterwards. Please RSVP with the office so we know how much pizza to order.
Thanksgiving Break: November 25-29
There is no school the week of November 25-29. Discover Link is providing free camps at Barney Ford on Monday and Tuesday. Pre-registration is required for the camps. Contact ARIANA RODRIGUEZ to register. School resumes on Monday, December 2nd.
Attendance Update
Unfortunately, our attendance was lower than normal last week. We averaged 90.6% for the week. We are aiming higher for the week ahead!
ECE had the best attendance at 94.4%. Congratulations!
Upcoming Events
Friday, November 15:
- Fourth Grade Field Trip
- Second Grade Field Trip
Wednesday, November 20: Thanksgiving Lunch
Thursday, November 21: Black Family Gathering (3:00-4:00)
Friday, November 22: Dollar Dress Down
Monday - Friday, November 25-29: No School, Thanksgiving Break
View the November Monthly Calendar here.