Weekly Update: November 7, 2024
11/07/24, 5:31 PM
Dear Families,
Tomorrow All DPS schools are closed due to the weather. You can check the DPS website for updates delays and weather closures: dpsk12.org. When there is a late start the school will open at 9:45. Enjoy your long weekend. Stay safe and see you on Monday.
November is Native American Heritage Month. We will be celebrating the culture, arts, and contributions of Native Americans with our students throughout the month. To our students and families from Tribal Nations, thank you for enriching the Barney Ford Community.
It Finally Feels Like Winter
This week was our first snow of the season and we are grateful that everyone arrived safely. Students will have outside recess when the temperature is 28 degrees and above. Please wear warm clothes on the wintery days. Students can wear boots when it is snowy. Some students choose to change into their school shoes after they arrive.
Postponed: Coffee and Conversation
Due to the weather closure, we are canceling November's Coffee and Conversation. Join us for our next one on December 6th.
Grades Posted in Parent Portal
Your child’s grades are available for you to review in the DPS Parent Portal. Log in to see how your child is progressing. Reach out to your child’s teacher if you have questions about how your child is doing.
Talking to Your Children about the Election
Some of our students are asking questions about Tuesday’s election and how it may affect their families. Our mental health team is here to help our students process their thinking and emotions. Let us know if your child would benefit from talking with our school psychologist or social worker.
Here are some resources to help you have these conversations at home.
Supporting Children’s Mental Health Wellness: Tips for Parents and Educators, NASP
Supporting Vulnerable Students in Stressful Times: Tips for Parents, NASP
NASP Guidance for Reinforcing Safe, Supportive and Positive School Environments for All Students
Talking to Kids About Politics, Children’s Hospital Colorado
Talking to Kids About Politics, Children’s Health
Talking to Kids About Politics, The Kids Mental Health Foundation
Attendance Update
With the holidays approaching we often see a drop in attendance. Please plan your vacations around the school calendar so your students are here every day we are in session.
Last week our attendance was 92%. Third grade had the best attendance at 96%. Way to go!
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday - Wednesday, November 12-13: Fifth Grade Balarat Overnight
- Friday, November 15:
- Fourth Grade Field Trip
- Second Grade Field Trip
- Wednesday, November 20: Thanksgiving Lunch
- Thursday, November 21: Black Family Gathering (3:00-4:00)
- Friday, November 22: Dollar Dress Down
- Monday - Friday, November 25-29: No School, Thanksgiving Break