Weekly Update: September 5, 2024
09/05/24, 5:31 PM
Dear Families,
We hope you enjoyed the long Labor Day weekend! Our classrooms are busy places as we enter September. We are focusing on our reading assessments to make sure students get the literacy support they need. Our English Language Development groups are starting up soon.
Please support your child’s reading growth at home by encouraging them to read books at home. Reading a book out loud as a family is a great way to connect with your children and build important lifelong literacy skills. The Denver Public Library has many recommendations for families including these suggestions to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.
Tomorrow: Early Release & First Friday
Friday, September 6th is our first early release day of the school year. Students will go home at 1:00 on Friday. Teachers will use this afternoon to plan and learn together. Discovery Link is available for registered students from 1:00-5:00 on Friday.
September 6th is also our First Friday Coffee and Conversation with the principals. Join us for snacks and coffee or tea from 8:00-8:45. This month we will discuss the Collaborative School Committee, Title I, and your interests for our First Friday topics for the year.
Arrive On Time by 7:45
Our school day starts right at 7:45 and students arriving after 7:50 are marked tardy. Please adjust your morning routines to arrive on time for learning each day. The tardies add up to lost learning and count toward your student’s attendance rate.
Complete the BESS Screener
DPS uses the BESS screener to provide a quick and reliable way of assessing the behavioral and emotional strengths and potential risk levels in children. Just as students participate in screenings for vision, hearing, physical health, reading, and other academic areas, the BESS provides an indicator of a student’s mental health risk level. Screening allows for early identification of supports that can help offset current or future mental health risk in students.
Please use this link to complete the screener for your children. You will need their student's ID number and date of birth to access the form. Please see the attached flyer for more information and contact our school psychologist, Beulah Morman (beulah_morman@dpsk12.org) for more information.
Collaborative School Committee
Each year the family community elects three parents or caregivers to serve on the Collaborative School Committee (CSC). The CSC plays an important role in our school by advising Principal Conroy on budget, staffing, and family engagement decisions. The CSC usually meets during the First Friday coffee a few times a year. All are welcome to participate in the meetings.
Sign up here if you are interested in serving as this year’s CSC family representative.
Discovery Link
We are grateful to partner with Discovery Link again this year to provide free after school for our families. Registered families can have students stay after school up to 6:00 pm. This year the Discovery Link director is Ariana Rodriguez, ariana_rodriguez@dpsk12.net. Ariana is a bilingual Spanish speaker and is ready to help your family enroll in after-school care.
- 4:30-6:00 in the lunchroom
- 9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 10/29
FACE University
FACE University is a resource and learning hub for families in the Denver community. Invite your school community to join us for the virtual Attendance Matters session on Thursday, Sept. 12 from 5-6 p.m. Interested families can register here.
Three families in our first LIVE session will be entered to win tickets to the Children's Museum, the Museum of Nature and Science, and the Colorado History Museum.
Visit our website to see the full event calendar and subscribe to our YouTube channel to access recorded sessions @DPSfaceuniversity.
Attendance Update
Last week our attendance rate was 91%. Congratulations to 1st grade! They had the best attendance rate of 93%!
Upcoming Events
- September 6
- First Friday Coffee and Conversation
- 1:00 p.m. Early release for students
- Wednesday, September 11: Picture Day (Uniforms required)
- Friday, September 20: Dollar Dress Down Day
- Thursday, September 26: Black Family Gathering
- Friday, September 27: No School: Teaching Planning Day
- Discovery Link is open 7:00-5:30
View the September Monthly Calendar here.
Attachment: 17255646907896_Ford_Sept_Monthly_Calendar.pdf