Weekly Update: August 29, 2023
08/29/24, 5:31 PM
Dear Families,
The school year is off to a great start at Barney Ford. This week we continued our focus on building a safe and welcoming community for all our learners. Our classrooms, hallways, cafe, and playground are safe, quiet, and joyful. At home, we hope you are hearing stories of friendships and new learning.
Monday: No School
Monday, September 2nd is Labor Day and there is no school for students. Discovery Link is NOT in session on Monday.
Friday: Early Release & First Friday
Friday, September 6th is our first early release day of the school year. Students will go home at 1:00 on Friday. Teachers will use this afternoon to plan and learn together. Discovery Link is available for registered students from 1:00-5:00 on Friday.
September 6th is also our First Friday Coffee and Conversation with the principals. Join us for snacks and coffee or tea from 8:00-8:45. This month we will discuss the Collaborative School Committee, Title I, and your interests for our First Friday topics for the year.
School Hours
Our new school hours are 7:45 am - 2:45 pm this year. Free breakfast is available for all students from 7:30 am - 7:45 am. Students will be marked tardy at 7:50. Please arrive on time for school. Crossing Guards go inside at 7:50 so it is important to arrive on time.
Keep Bus Zones Open
DPS and RTD have several bus stops on Maxwell. Please do not park or block these bus stops at any time. Blocking the bus zones creates safety issues for our families and other
Parking Lot is for Staff & Families with Disabilities
Our parking lot is reserved for staff parking only at all times. Families with a disability placard can drop their students off in the parking lot. Please do not pass through the parking lot if you do not have a disability placard.
Literacy Testing
We are testing all our students' reading levels at the start of the school year. This helps us better understand the strengths and next steps of our students. We will share information about your child’s reading level when testing is complete and at conferences in October.
Complete the BESS Screener
DPS uses the BESS screener to provide a quick and reliable way of assessing the behavioral and emotional strengths and potential risk levels in children. Just as students participate in screenings for vision, hearing, physical health, reading, and other academic areas, the BESS provides an indicator of a student’s mental health risk level. Screening allows for early identification of supports that can help offset current or future mental health risk in students.
Please use this link to complete the screener for your children. You will need their student's ID number and date of birth to access the form. Please see the attached flyer for more information and contact our school psychologist, Beulah Morman (beulah_morman@dpsk12.org) for more information.
Black Excellence Summit
Register for the 2024 Black Excellence Summit held on Sept. 14 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the University of Denver Education Building. This event celebrates and promotes Black Excellence in DPS. The summit includes professional development, learning opportunities, achievement awards and Black Excellence advocacy for our community. There will also be a resource fair with community partners to connect, share feedback and engage in meaningful conversations.
The registration deadline is Monday, Sept. 9. If you have questions, contact the FACE Helpline at 720-423-3054 or email FACEHelpline@dpsk12.org.
Denver Parks and Recreation News
Back to School = Back to Fun!
Fall Programs Are Here! With the new school year underway, now is the perfect time to check out fall programs at Denver Recreation Centers. From sports and fitness to arts and culture, there is something for everyone. Don’t miss out—register today to secure your spot! Visit Denvergov.org/Recreation or any Denver Recreation Center to enroll.
Collaborative School Committee
Each year the family community elects three parents or caregivers to serve on the Collaborative School Committee (CSC). The CSC plays an important role in our school by advising Principal Conroy on budget, staffing, and family engagement decisions. The CSC usually meets during the First Friday coffee a few times a year. All are welcome to participate in the meetings.
Sign up here if you are interested in serving as this year’s CSC family representative.
Discovery Link
We are grateful to partner with Discovery Link again this year to provide free after school for our families. Registered families can have students stay after school up to 6:00 pm. This year the Discovery Link director is Ariana Rodriguez, ariana_rodriguez@dpsk12.net. Ariana is a bilingual Spanish speaker and is ready to help your family enroll in after-school care.
- 4:30-6:00 in the lunchroom
- 9/3, 9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 10/29
Attendance Update
Last week our attendance rate was 94.3%. Congratulations to 3rd grade! They had the best attendance rate of 96%!
Did you know that picking students up early counts towards their attendance rate? Students miss out on important learning opportunities when they leave early or arrive late.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, September 2: No School: Labor Day
- Tuesday, September 3:
- 5th Grade Field Trip to Wings Over the Rockies
- Discover Link Registration (4:30-6:00)
- September 6
- First Friday Coffee and Conversation
- 1:00 p.m. Early release for students
- Friday, September 27: No School: Teaching Planning Day
- Discovery LInk is open 7:00-5:30