Barney Ford Elementary

Uniform Information

08/30/23, 5:38 PM

Hi Families of Barney Ford Students,

At Barney Ford Elementary our scholars show up ready to learn in full uniform.  We are willing  to support families with ensuring all students have what they need.  We believe that uniforms send a message to students that they are arriving with purpose to a special place that is distinct from other areas of their lives. We believe uniforms create a sense of pride and sense of belonging.  Uniforms support our belief in high expectations, removes distractions, and therefore maximizes learning.  Neat, clean uniforms promote positive self image and scholarly attitude.  We support students’ need to express themselves through their work and through their contributions in school and classroom communities.

The Barney Ford Student Uniform is not optional and should be adhered to throughout the school year.

Students have a “uniform” dress code that consists of:  

  • Tops: light-blue or navy-blue polo shirts, Light-blue or navy-blue solid sweaters or sweatshirts without hoods may be worn in class.

  • Bottoms: Blue or khaki dress pants, skirts, skorts, shorts or jumpers.

  • Footwear: Solid black or solid white shoes or boots. White soles are allowed.

  • Shoes with other colors (red, blue, pink) are not school uniform.

  • No jeans, leggings, or sweats of any color are allowed.

  • Clothing should not have labels, designs, or graphics, or be distracting.


If your child arrives in non-uniform clothes, we will call home and/or provide clothing items for them to wear for the rest of the day.  Please support our community by sending your child in full uniform.
Principal Conroy