Don Williams Memorial Deck - Still available for all JH and JV games.
06/12/24, 1:31 PM
The Don Williams Memorial Deck is ready for use!
With a huge "THANK YOU" to Brett Houts and to Madsen Homes
for their generous donation of time and material,
as well as all the other generous donations that allowed this to happen!
Come out to the Martin Complex and support our Junior High, Junior Varsity and Varsity Softball
teams while enjoying the view from the comfort of your camping or bag chair on the deck!
We have made a sign-up g
enius link, to sign up to use the deck.
It will hold 8-10 people, maybe more!
We ask for a free will donation which will go directly to the Booster Club
to be used for the needs of the softball team each season.
With Don’s love and support of his softball girls over the years,
we feel giving back to the team would bring him great honor.
Free will donations can be paid by Venmo at @alburnettathleticboosterclub.
You can also donate cash or checks made out to The Alburnett Booster Club
to any listed Booster Club member:
Brian Scott, Diane Smith, Sara Rock or Kristi Caves.
Thank you for all the support to make this happen.